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School of Health Sciences

PhD programme in Care & Rehabilitation Sciences

Academic access for health professions

The PhD programme in Care and Rehabilitation Sciences offers graduates with an MSc from a university of applied sciences in a health profession the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree in Switzerland. The programme is run jointly by the ZHAW School of Health Sciences and the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine. It is open to the following health professions: occupational therapy, physiotherapy, midwifery, nutrition counselling, optometry, osteopathy, and nursing.

Programme focus

The PhD programme in Care and Rehabilitation Sciences promotes high-quality research and offers structured postgraduate training in the fundamentals and methods of research. The focus lies on research involving people with or without health issues in the areas of prevention, clinical (outpatient or inpatient) treatment, and rehabilitation. It also includes applied studies based on basic scientific research for the development and improvement of interventions and treatments.

Admission requirements

The PhD programme in Care and Rehabilitation Sciences is open to applicants from Switzerland and abroad who are highly qualified academically and demonstrate a strong interest in research into the areas mentioned above.

To be admitted to the programme, applicants must...

  • hold a Master’s degree from a university or an equivalent academic degree from a university of applied sciences in a health profession regulated in the Swiss Healthcare Occupations Act (GesBG); the equivalence of degrees is decided conclusively by the doctoral programme commission on a case-by-case basis. Admission of applicants from other academic health science disciplines in health care (i.e., disciplines which can be studied at universities or universities of applied sciences), including nursing (MSc in Nursing), is decided on an individual basis by the doctoral programme commission.
  • provide proof of their academic qualification (academic transcripts, awards, scholarships, or publications),
  • show motivation and commitment regarding their research interests,
  • present a project outline with financing plan for a doctoral project (cf. application documents)
  • be proficient in (oral and written) German, and
  • have good knowledge of English.

Application procedure

The ZHAW School of Health Sciences preselects applicants based on the admission criteria and quality standards laid down by the doctoral programme commission.

All applicants go through the same application procedure, regardless of whether they have a Master’s degree worth 120 or 90 ECTS credits. To apply, please use the University of Zurich application form.

Application documents

The application must include the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Academic transcripts
  3. Letter of motivation describing the applicant’s research interests and suggesting research questions he or she would like to address, and giving reasons for applying and future career plans
  4. PhD project: In a project outline of no more than two pages, please describe the status of your doctoral project at the time of application, including background information, research questions, methods, and relevance of the expected results for research and care practice.
  5. Two letters of recommendation describing the applicant’s qualifications and potential.  The recommenders must have a doctorate and may not be members of the doctoral program committee.
  6. If possible: suggestion of a potential supervisor at the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine
  7. Suggestion of a potential supervisor from the cooperating university of applied sciences
  8. Proof of a funding plan for the applicant covering a period of at least three years; funding must be confirmed in writing by the funding provider(s).

Please merge these application documents (1-8) into a single PDF file and send with a separate application form to:


The submission deadlines for applications are 30 April and 30 September. The dates of the application interviews held by the doctoral programme commission will be published on the website of the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine.

Doctoral Ordinance

The PhD programme in Care and Rehabilitation Sciences is subject to the Ordinance on doctoral studies. It formalises regulations concerning the title of Dr. sc. med. (equivalent to a PhD) awarded by the University of Zurich Faculty of Medicine. Frequently asked questions and answers (in German only) are available on the University of Zurich website.