Trend study Switzerland 2022: communication remains a success factor in the digital transformation
For the third time, a study has been conducted into the current situation and development needs of corporate communication in the digital transformation. In their working paper, Prof. Nicole Rosenberger, Markus Niederhäuser and Katharina Krämer not only present the results of their work, but also provide valuable advice on the further development of corporate communication in the digital transformation on the basis of 12 agenda points.

Since 2018, the IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies investigates the current situation with respect to corporate communication in the digital transformation every two years. The study is guided by a framework that was developed during the initial investigation back in 2018. This framework describes the role of corporate communication in the digital transformation at three levels (Niederhäuser & Rosenberger, 2018). At a micro level, the study focusses on the digital transformation of communication departments. At a meso level, it turns its attention to the function of corporate communication in the transformation process of organisations as a whole. And at a macro level, it addresses the creation of acceptance for the transformation process in the market and society.
Trend study Switzerland 2022
The 2022 trend study is based on an online survey of 133 corporate communications officers (CCOs) from companies, administrations and non-profit organisations in German-speaking Switzerland. A total of 12 in-depth interviews and an overview of the latest research findings complete the picture that can be drawn for corporate communication in 2022. “We are pleased that on the basis of the results we are now also able to present an updated agenda for communication in the digital transformation. This is indented to show communication managers the direction they can take in further developing their corporate communication in a meaningful fashion,” says the research team. To this end, the agenda points from the initial study have been compared with the results of the two follow-up studies, adapted and expanded.
In the current trend study, you can find out why corporate communication is continuing to grow in significance in the digital transformation of organisations as well as why storytelling remains a core task, network moderation is becoming more important and both cultural change and an understanding of technology are key competencies for CCOs.
Communication in the digital transformation: trend study Switzerland 2022
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Read more about the research area of "Communication in the digital transformation” of the Professorship of Organisational Communication and Management based at the IAM Institute of Applied Media Studies of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.