Combatting social isolation with digital tools
Researchers at the Institute of Nursing are investigating, as part of a new project, how digital aids and resources can be used to support socially isolated people and their relatives. The project is being supported by the “ZHAW digital” initiative, together with other projects that provide social benefits in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

They were asked to stay at home, to refrain from visiting children and grandchildren and to not do their shopping themselves … In recent weeks, many older people have largely had to go without social contact. The coronavirus pandemic has thus intensified a problem that is already very pronounced, especially among older people who also require care: social isolation. International and national studies show that this can have a negative impact on both mental and physical health.
Researchers at the School of Health Professions of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), in cooperation with the ZHAW School of Engineering, are now investigating how the isolation of older people can be countered using digital tools. In the “Use of digital tools for socially isolated people in home care and their relatives during social distancing – digital support against social isolation [DASI]” project, the nursing research unit is analysing whether and which digital tools are already used for communication and monitoring in the field of domestic care in order to reduce the social isolation of those affected. The goal of the project is to identify best-practice examples, as well as gaps in “digital care”, and to explore opportunities to further develop devices and software. Data, for example from Spitex organisations across Switzerland on the use of digital tools, is being collected to this end.
Pandemic accelerates digital transformation
The project is one of a total of 27 ideas that look at themes related to the currently accelerated digital transformation and which are being financially supported by the “ZHAW digital” initiative. The projects should provide overriding benefits during the pandemic. Overall, around 110 projects from the areas of education, research, management and administration were submitted. The projects now being supported will be funded with up to CHF 20,000 from the Digital Futures Fund of “ZHAW digital” and will be concluded by the end of 2020.