
The framework has been developed by educational scientists, in-service-teacher trainers and teachers in vocational education and training (VET). It is based on scientific findings and practical experiences from teacher training and vocational schools. The framework explains didactic-methodological principles, which are considered necessary for the successful implementation of integrated reading and writing support. Subsequently, the areas of reading and writing support are presented, and on this basis the advantages of joint reading and writing support. The framework is the theoretical basis of the project. All other outputs are based on the framework. The framework delivers scientific background knowledge, which is essential to understand and implement the project.
Needs analysis instruments & evaluation instruments

This output contains three sub products:
- sub product 1 questionnaires (print/online) for VET students (primary target group) and VET teachers (secondary target group),
- sub product 2 Guideline-based interview with VET teachers,
- sub product 3 tools for easy evaluation of sub products 1 and 2.
Furthermore, it includes the needs analysis, which was conducted at the beginning of the project in order to identify the genres used in Vocational Education and Training among the partner countries and professions.

The guidelines have been created by educational scientists, in-service-teacher trainers and teachers in vocational education and training (VET). They have been tested by teachers and they have been adapted based on teacher feedback. The guidelines presents the essential components of a scenario and the relationship between them. They provides essential information on how to integrate reading and writing in situated learning approaches. The guidelines are based on concepts of reading and writing support, research results and experience gained in the project so far, in working with both VET learners and their teachers. Thus, they provides a clear structure for the planning of vocational education lessons and the development of literacy skills.
Scenario materials

The material contains a set of model scenarios on various topics, which are widely used in the teaching of students in vocational education. It includes a collection of scenarios from completely different professional backgrounds combining reading and writing tasks which can serve as examples and help and inspire teachers creating such tasks. Scenarios are a useful educational tool which the teacher (depending on the subject taught) can modify depending on the needs and skills of the group.
The scenario examples were developed on the basis of the international experience of the project team and persons cooperating in the project tasks. As a result, the tools developed are highly adaptable and widely applicable in the field of vocational training of students.
Workshop for teachers

This output directly and explicitly targets teachers’ professional development by presenting the curriculum of a training course for in-service teachers, which aims to support teachers to understand the theoretical foundations and the practical implications of the proposed model, as well as prepare to make the best use of the set of tools produced within the project. The output is based on the experiences of the project partners during 2016-2018, when workshops were carried out by the teacher trainer organizations involved in the implementation of the project in Estonia, Germany, Poland and Romania.
The present publication addresses teacher training institutes and teacher trainers. It aims to share with them the description of a proposed in-service training course for teachers in vocational education who wish to integrate reading and writing in a scenario-based approach in order to develop their students’ literacy skills within their vocational education and training programme. While we primarily target teacher training organisations that provide continuous professional development services, initial teacher training institutions may also find this publication useful.

This handbook contains all the products and results of the project, both the theoretical basis as well as practical suggestions (classroom materials, ideas how to develop scenarios, tips to create good scenarios, etc.) for an integrated approach to reading and writing.
The handbook has been created for teacher trainers and teachers who would like to know more about the concepts of integrated reading and writing and scenario-based learning. It helps to build a better understanding of these concepts and at the same time offers hands-on ideas about activities to be developed in class, including sample scenarios already implemented with success by all partners in the project.