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Survey on segment-specific nicotine prevention in the cool and clean prevention program

The project «Segment-specific nicotine prevention» by Swissolympics, the cool and clean prevention program and the ZHAW Department of Health aims to convince juniors to adopt a nicotine-free lifestyle in line with their attitudes and values.

Prize draw for trainer with team

Win CHF 500 for your team in 10 minutes!

Do you want to win money for your team to do or buy something together?

Take part and win 500 for your team or one of fifty valuable backpacks from cool an clean. You must be a coach in one of the following sports: football, volleyball, basketball, university field hockey, ice hockey or gymnastics. Your chances of winning increase the more of your juniors complete the survey.

The aim is to find out more about the smoking behavior and nicotine consumption of young people. This survey is a joint project of Swiss Olympics, cool and clean and the ZHAW Department of Health.

This is how I can participate

If you would like to take part in this prize draw, please contact the ZHAW team by email

You will then receive your personalized link and helpful templates to promote the survey to your juniors (WhatsApp post in your team channel).

You will also receive the link to the trainer survey, which you must fill out in order for your participation to be valid.

What is it all about?

Swiss Olympic's cool and clean prevention program is part of the Tobacco Prevention Fund's (TPF) Children and Youth Program (KJP). It supports coaches in promoting the life skills of young people. The cool and clean code of conduct, to which the leaders commit together with the young people, includes the commitment «I abstain from tobacco».

So far, however, the activities of cool and clean have not addressed the individual realities of juniors. As a result, the previous nicotine prevention measures may have missed the individual needs of the juniors and were therefore less effective or even rejected. On behalf of the TPF, the Institut Public Health ZHAW Department of Health has already identified five segments of young people with regard to tobacco prevention (rpoject REACH - Target group profiles in tobacco prevention).

The five profiles are now being used to specifically address juniors in sports clubs based on their motives with regard to their nicotine consumption. The results of the current online survey are now being used for this purpose,

Data protection: Is my data protected?

Your answers in the questionnaire are collected and evaluated anonymously. This means that we do not ask for your name or exact date of birth. Only the study team has access to the data, which is stored on a password-protected server. In addition, all evaluations are based on aggregated data. This means, for example, that all girls, all those who like to jog or all 14-year-olds are considered as groups, so that no conclusions can be drawn about individual persons.

Your details for the prize draw will be kept separately. We cannot link the answers to the questionnaire with the address data as the code is not saved.

Health is not that difficult! Here are a few tips for your everyday life:

Stress reduction

More movement

Stop smoking

Research project Segment-specific nicotine prevention in the cool and clean prevention program

This survey is part of the research project «Segment-specific nicotine prevention in the cool and clean prevention program»
Further information about the project and the project organization:

Segment-specific nicotine prevention in the cool and clean prevention program