Media Psychology
In the Media Psychology section we conduct empirical research on how people use media and what effects media use has on attitudes, motives and behaviour.
For one, we study the conditions for productive use of media and the resultant media literacy. For another, we also examine problematic aspects of media use like cyberbullying or media addiction. Further research areas are brand and advertising psychology and consumer behaviour.
Media use
Research projects in this area mainly investigate media use by children and adolescents but also by other age cohorts.
Media education and literacy
Aspects of media use: What are the driving factors in productive and competent media use?
Problematic aspects of media use
Research projects in this area examine problematic aspects of media use.
Brand and advertising psychology
Research projects in this area focus on brands and their impacts and their effects on consumer behaviour.
Current developments stemming from research flow directly into our media studies programme. Due to our always state-of-the-art teaching formats, students may expect the greatest possible learning effect. We follow developments in teaching and review them for possible use in our courses. Specifically, we also welcome and promote the use of new media in our courses if it provides added value.
Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine; Suter, Lilian; Wyss, Valery,
Mit TikTok gegen Fake-News : Workshop für Jugendliche (12-16 Jahre).
Jubiläumsanlass von ZHAW digital, Winterthur, Schweiz, 29. Mai 2024.
Döveling, Katrin; Suter, Lilian,
Schadenfreude versus Mitleid? Affective Disposition Theory revisited.
Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung, Fribourg, Schweiz, 25.-26. Januar 2024.
ISRE Pre-Conference “Engaging with Other People’s Suffering: Emotion, Empathy, Eudaimonia and Curiosity”, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 17 July 2024.
Külling-Knecht, Céline; Waller, Gregor; Bernath, Jael; Willemse, Isabel; Suter, Lilian; Eggli, Tim; Süss, Daniel,
JAMESfocus : Handyverhalten und Nachhaltigkeit - aktuelle Trends.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from:
Döveling, Katrin; Suter, Lilian,
Plot, pain and pleasure? : Schadenfreude, deservingness and social norms in media enjoyment.
Emotions2023, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 4 - 6 October 2023.
Bernath, Jael; Waller, Gregor; Willemse, Isabel; Suter, Lilian; Külling-Knecht, Céline; Zulliger, Marc André; Süss, Daniel,
JAMESfocus : Mediennutzung im Kontext familiärer und sozialer Ressourcen.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from:
MontanaBlack or Kylie Jenner? : whom do adolescents in Switzerland pay attention to?.
Annual Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SGKM-SACM): What Do We Pay Attention To?, Lucerne, Switzerland, 20-21 April 2023.
Suter, Lilian; Waller, Gregor; Külling, Céline; Bernath, Jael; Willemse, Isabel; Zulliger, Marc André; Süss, Daniel,
JAMESfocus : Influencerinnen und Influencer als Vorbilder und das perfekte Leben der anderen.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
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