Gregor Waller
Gregor Waller
School of Applied Psychology
Section for Media Psychology
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8037 Zürich
Work at ZHAW
Co-Head of Section Media Psychology
- Media Psychology
- Communication
- Consumer Behavior
- Brand Psychology
- Research Methods
Education and Continuing education
- Diploma in Applied Statistics (Postgraduate Course)
ETH Zurich
2009 - 2011 - MSc / Applied Psychology, General Psychology, Media and Communication Science
University of Fribourg
1996 - 2003
- Use of ChatGPT and Co. in teaching and research at the ZHAW / Team member / laufend
- JAMES Study / Co-project leader / laufend
- Bidirectional relationship between Internet Gaming Disorder, internalizing psychopathology, and psychological distress: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Kids’ Digital lives in Corona times (KiDiCoTi) / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Wearables & Apps for mental health / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Extending the lifespan of mobile devices / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- MIKE-Study – Medien, Interaktion, Kinder und Eltern / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- MIKE-Study / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen
- Advice Booklet on MEDIA LITERACY / Co-project leader / abgeschlossen