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Thursday, 26 January 2023

Time Programme item Location
From 3 p.m. Start registration and welcome coffee Albert Frey Building
4 p.m. Welcome Albert Frey Building Room MC E0.12 (Blauer Saal)
4.05 p.m. Introduction by the hosts (Sandra Nonella, ZHAW; Florence Balthasar, ZHdK; Friederike Hoch, PH Zürich) Albert Frey Building Room MC E0.12 (Blauer Saal)
4.30 p.m. Keynote speech 1: A society in transition – Switzerland in the age of migration and globalisation (Dr Kijan Espahangizi) Albert Frey Building Room MC E0.12 (Blauer Saal)
5.30 p.m. Walk to the Winterthur Gewerbemuseum (a museum of design, art and everyday culture)  
From 6 p.m. Guided tours of the Winterthur Gewerbemuseum: The Bigger Picture exhibition Winterthur Gewerbemuseum
From 6.30 p.m. Drinks reception Winterthur Gewerbemuseum
7.15 p.m. Dinner and networking Winterthur Gewerbemuseum

Friday, 27 January 2023

Time Programme item Location
From 8 a.m. Start registration Albert Frey Building
8.30 a.m. Welcome Albert Frey Building Room MC E0.12 (Blauer Saal)
8.35 a.m. Keynote speech 2: Multiculturalism – an anti-racist and intersectional view (Dr Nora Refaeil) Albert Frey Building Room MC E0.12 (Blauer Saal)
9.30 a.m. Workshop series 1, part 1 (45 minutes) Albert Frey Building, MD/MA
10.15 a.m. Coffee break  
10.45 a.m. Workshop series 1, part 2 (45 minutes) Albert Frey Building, MD/MA
11.30 a.m. Lunch break and lunch  
1.30 p.m. Workshop series 2, part 1 (45 minutes) Albert Frey Building, MD/MA
2.15 p.m. Coffee break  
2.30 p.m. Workshop series 2, part 2 (45 minutes) Albert Frey Building, MD/MA
3.30 p.m. Conclusion as part of a plenary session Albert Frey Building Room MC E0.12 (Blauer Saal)
3.45 p.m. End of the conference