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All funding instruments of the Leading House South Asia and Iran

Find out about all the available funding instruments for research collaboration with Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Research Partnership Grants

Research Partnership Grants aim to offer support to Swiss researchers who are interested in entering into research collaborations with institutional partners located in any of the nine countries that fall within the mandate region of this Leading House: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The grants have three main purposes:

Applications are accepted from applicants who are permanent residents of Switzerland and have an employment contract with a federal or cantonal university, a university of applied sciences, a university of teacher education or any officially recognised research institute in Switzerland (in accordance with the listings on the SERI website). Calls are open for activities in all scientific disciplines and research fields. Applicants should, however, be able to demonstrate that their project will be sustainable by gaining access to external funding once the grant period comes to an end. Any further eligibility criteria will be detailed whenever a call for grants is published.

Currently no open calls

The 2023 Call for Research Partnership Grants with South Asia and Iran is now closed. There are currently no open calls for grants. These will be published on this website and via the Newsletter (subscription below).

Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India

Catch a glimpse into the current edition of the AIT India and hear what participants say about the India Camp 2024.

Academia-Industry Training

The Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India program is aimed at young researchers and founding members of science-based Swiss start-ups who are looking to discover the market potential of their applied research project in India and to develop their entrepreneurial skills.

What is the Academia-Industry Training India program?

The AIT India program allows young scientists to validate their innovative concepts in direct contact with peers, experts and business representatives in Switzerland and India. The objective is to enable researchers to gain a better understanding of the potential market viability of their research concept and thereby allow them to refine their concept accordingly. In addition, it allows them to expand their international network and develop their own entrepreneurial skills.

The program consists of a two-day kick-off event and preparation in Switzerland, a week in India, and a week in Switzerland. Each edition accepts ten young researchers and awards CHF 10,000 to each of the two most promising projects to enable them to grow and internationalize their ventures.

Who should apply?

We welcome applications from founding members of science-based Swiss start-ups with a high level of market potential. This program is open to Master’s students, PhD students, postdocs and young researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, and universities of teacher education, as well as from research institutes and centers of technological excellence who are pursuing a concrete business opportunity based on their research.

How to apply

Applications are currently closed.

Program partners

The AIT India program is an innovation-based instrument of the Leading House South Asia and Iran, executed together with Swissnex in India and Venturelab as key program partners. Mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the ZHAW is the Leading House for research collaboration with partner institutions in South Asia and Iran.

Hear directly from previous participants

At the Swiss-Indian Entrepreneurship Day 2023, 11 start-ups pitched in front of other entrepreneurs, investors and an interested audience.
In this video, Anand Verma, Founder and CEO of Perovskia Solar, talks about his participation in the 2022 edition of the program.
In this video, Prachi Kharb, Director and COO of Life and Limb (India), talks about her participation in the 2022 edition of the program.

Symposia and workshops

Swiss researchers planning to organise a symposium or workshop with partner organisations in any country in South Asia or Iran may approach the Leading House to find out more about funding possibilities.

Stay informed

If you would like to be informed whenever a call for proposal is announced, please register here:

Registration Form Leading House South Asia and Iran