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Mobility and networking for researchers

The problems are becoming more and more complex and the costs are constantly growing – no country can make advances alone in science and technology nowadays. The ZHAW therefore frequently carries out research with international partners, placing a particular focus on Europe.

The ZHAW is involved in helping to solve current societal problems and deal with global challenges such as climate change, energy supply, security, migration and poverty. Most of these subjects transcend disciplinary boundaries and national interests.

For these reasons, researchers at the ZHAW regularly exchange ideas and share results and resources with teams from related fields in bilateral and multilateral research projects and programmes. The ZHAW takes an active part in the EU Research Framework Programmes.

ZHAW researchers abroad

The ZHAW works with more than 400 universities and other educational institutions on all five continents. This means that there are many possibilities for ZHAW employees to carry out research activities abroad. The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+, the Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP, safeguards access to Erasmus+, the EU exchange programme for education, training, youth and sport, for researchers from Switzerland.

Horizon Europe, Innosuisse or Eureka offer researchers from the ZHAW opportunities for research and mobility in a European and international context. In addition, the ZHAW carries out a mobility programme with swissnex every year. Researchers from the ZHAW can spend one to two weeks at a swissnex location to build up new joint activities and develop existing contacts. In this way, researchers gain from the wide knowledge and outstanding network of swissnex and thus make an important contribution to their Schools’ internationalisation.


Researchers from abroad

The ZHAW can provide furnished flats at Bürglistrasse 21/23 in Winterthur for researchers from abroad who are taking part in research projects at the ZHAW. The minimum stay is two weeks. The flats contain basic crockery and cooking utensils, bed linen and towels. Reservations can be made through the International Office of the individual Schools.

Staff exchange for partner universities at ZHAW

Within the framework of a staff exchange, staff from a European partner university can teach or complete a continuing education course at the ZHAW. This exchange with our European partners takes place within the framework of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) and lasts a minimum of two and a maximum of 60 days. Lecturers are required to teach at least eight lessons per week during the period of their exchange. Effective travel expenses up to CHF 600 are reimbursed on the basis of submitted invoices.

Information for your application

If you are interested in coming to the ZHAW as a visiting researcher or lecturer, please contact our International Relations Offices or International Affairs Office. They can provide you with all the information you need for your application.