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The end of the pandemic marked the beginning of the future

The end of the Covid-19 pandemic and the beginning of the implementation of the cantonal personnel ordinance shaped the year of participation by the University Conference (HSV).

After the Covid-19 measures were lifted, the University Conference’s proposals and statements helped shape the debate on sustainable, healthy working and studying as well as on the future of combining online and on-site teaching formats. Its in-depth statement was included in a report on the lessons learned from the pandemic published by the ZHAW’s Higher Education Development Office. After the summer break, the discussion about the implementation of the new cantonal personnel ordinance as part of the "crossover" project was opened up in a town hall meeting. The representatives of the University Conference had already contributed to the project during the implementation concept phase. The ZHAW’s Executive Board invited them to take part in the formal consultation. To reach an informed opinion and draw up a comprehensive and detailed statement, the delegates and the invited members of the School’s personnel committees relied on online consultations and visits by the president and project management. The Executive Board decided to include some of their suggestions in their resolutions, including clarifying the implementation process or creating an independent office tasked with resolving any conflicts. A group of four peers attended the University Conference in spring and spoke to representatives of various interest groups in person. The visit was part of the informed peer review procedure, which the University Conference underwent during two years within the scope of ZHAW’s Quality Strategy. The results of this external evaluation were combined with the results of the earlier self-evaluation. The insights are to be applied during the new term of office to enhance organisational performance. With the end of 2022, the two-year term of office of delegates and board members came to an end. While 11 delegates resigned, almost all of the seats (five vacancies) were filled with previous or new members. The average voter turnout was 42%.