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Academia-Industry Training India 2024: Applications now open

Applications for the Academia-Industry Training India 2024 are now open. The program enables access to one of the most promising markets and intellectual capitals in applied research. It is aimed at young researchers and founding members of science-based Swiss start-ups who are pursuing a concrete business opportunity based on their applied research.

Ten young Swiss sciencepreneurs have the chance to participate in the AIT India 2024. Photo credits: Lisa Abraham, Swissnex in India

Applications for the Academia-Industry (AIT) India program are accepted until August 5, 2024. The program is open to Master’s students, PhD students, postdocs and young researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, and universities of teacher education, as well as from research institutes and centers of technological excellence.

The AIT India program allows ten participants to validate their innovative concepts in direct contact with peers, experts and business representatives in Switzerland and India. The participants are offered the opportunity to discover the market potential of their project in India, expand their international network and develop their own entrepreneurial skills. At the end of the program, CHF 10,000 are awarded to each of the two most promising projects to enable them to grow and internationalize their ventures.

Program partners

The AIT India program is an innovation-based instrument of the Leading House South Asia and Iran, executed together with Swissnex in India and Venturelab as key program partners.
