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CAI experts discuss responsible AI at the SDS23 Workshop

ZHAW CAI contributes workshop on Responsible AI to provide support in the development of fair, transparent and regulatory compliant AI-based solutions

The ZHAW Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CAI) took an active part in the Workshop "Responsible AI – Transparency and Fairness of data-based applications in practice", within the Swiss Data Science Conference (SDS23). This workshop, organized by the Innovation Booster Databooster and the CLAIRE network, addressed specific ways in which aspects of fairness and transparency can be addressed in AI-powered data-based solutions.

The workshop, moderated by CAI Senior researcher Ricardo Chavarriaga, hosted invited talks by Prof Christoph Heitz, Associate researcher at CAI, Xavier Renard, lead of Responsible AI Research AXA Assurance, and Arman Iranfar, AI expert at  the certification company CertX. Given the recent ratification of the EU AI regulatory framework (EU AI Act) and its expected application from 2026, organizations need to act now to achieve an appropriate level of preparedness to comply with its requirements and ensure responsible development of AI-based solutions. Knowing that the EU is the main commercial partner for Swiss industry, this is equally relevant for the Swiss AI ecosystem. This workshop provide attendant with elements to initiate this process, and follow-up activities are already being planned.

The Innosuisse Innovation Booster - Databooster is a community with an open innovation culture, in which key players around data-based value creation work together to develop innovation ideas and explore new business areas and approaches. The focus topic on Responsible AI of the Databooster is dedicated to support companies and organizations in developing innovative solutions, based on an established network of data scientists, ethicists, and specialists for legal questions, management, governance and organization. The CLAIRE network is the largest network of European AI researchers, with more than 450 affiliated research groups. Its goal is to promote and strengthen the human-centred AI innovation and research in Europe. ZHAW CAI hosts the CLAIRE Office in Switzerland.