CAI to launch the AI-BRIDGE Think-and-do-Tank
The ZHAW Centre for Artificial Intelligence launches a new initiative to create a center for Responsible AI Innovation in Zurich. The AI-BRIDGE Think-and-Do Tank brings responsible AI to the ground by bridging the gap between societal values and development of AI technology and solutions.

This centre is one of the new structures supported by the DIZH initiative. AI-BRIDGE is composed by members of all four DIZH institutions bringing complementary expertise: The Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW CAI and IDP), the University of Zurich (UZH), the Zurich University of Arts(ZHdK), and the Zurich University of Teacher Education(PHZH). The consortium is complemented by Strategic Partners including Stiftung Mercator, Algorithm Watch, Open Innovation in Life Sciences – OILS, Pour Demain, IEEE Standards Association, Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW), and SwissNLP. In addition, industry representatives also join this effort, including: AlpineAI, AXA Versicherungen AG, Data Innovation Alliance, Impunix AG, Mobiliar Versicherung, NVIDIA, Roche diagnostics, SWITCH, Zurich Insurance Company.
The AI-BRIDGE Think-and-Do Tank will become a leading knowledge hub and actor for developing responsible AI – that is, AI that is provably compliant with legal and ethical requirements and has its side effects mitigated. It will help organizations (companies, public administration, …) to exploit the potential of AI while complying with legal requirements and being compatible with societal expectations on ethical AI. For this, AI-BRIDGE will:
- Develop and provide tools for the design, implementation, and deployment of AI systems according to Responsible AI principles, including technical (e.g., robustness, safety), legal, regulatory, quality assurance (e.g., certification) and societal (e.g., human autonomy & participation) aspects.
- Operate a Use Case Living Lab that will offer organizations developing or integrating AI-based real-world solutions (i.e., use cases) targeted services based on the AI-BRIDGE tools. Through these services, the organizations will benefit of the AI-BRIDGE expertise in the establishment of multilateral engagement with stakeholders, assessment of legal and societally inspired requirements and technical approaches for implementing such requirements. The living lab will enable private companies and other organizations to deploy AI technologies aligned with societal interests.
The project will start in early 2025 for five years. After this period, AI-BRIDGE will become a self-sustained organization providing support in the responsible development and deployment of AI-solutions, and generates know-how to inform other stakeholders on the impact of the technology, enabling them to make better decisions on AI adoption and to develop suitable AI-related standards and policies.
For more information contact the project lead: Ricardo Chavarriaga, Responsible AI Innovation, ZHAW Centre for Artificial Intelligence.