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First Call of the DIZH Innovation Program

The Digitalisation Initiative of the Canton of Zurich (DIZH) aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the Canton of Zurich as a location for research and development. The initiative supports culture, the economy and society in taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation, and in using them to benefit Zurich as a business location.

To this end, the DIZH Innovation Programme is launching the first Project Call. The focus of the programme is on the funding of projects that generate innovations that initiate or expand the new possibilities of digital transformation.

The aim of the first call in particular, is to support projects that focus on different forms of cooperation between the participating universities and Practice Partners. Academic staff of all DIZH universities are eligible to apply for this call – including all researchers at the ZHAW.

Please visit the DIZH website to find out more about this new opportunity to fund innovative research and development. The submission deadline for the first call is 1 March 2021.

Further information at: