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Participation in the SNSF project “CroWiS” on the topic of crowdworking in the Swiss healthcare system (NRP 77)

Together with the Universities of Basel and Fribourg, the Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (WIG) will have the opportunity to conduct a research project on the topic of crowdworking as part of the National Research Programme “Digital Transformation” (NRP 77).

The Healthcare Management team headed up by lecturer Dr Florian Liberatore from the Winterthur Institute of Health Economics of the ZHAW (WIG), together with its research partners, has been awarded a sub-project of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) on the following topic: “Crowdworking in Switzerland (CroWis) – an interdisciplinary analysis based on the example of temporary staff in the nursing sector”. During the project, an interdisciplinary research team will examine the platform-based temporary work of nursing staff at Swiss hospitals at an individual, organisational and social level.

Lawyer Dr Eylem Demir will contribute to the project, identifying legal challenges and investigating regulatory requirements in connection with these forms of work. She works as a research associate at the ZHAW Center for Social Law and teaches, among other things, labour and social security law as part of the bachelor’s degree programme in Business Law.