Dr.-Ing. Oliver Döbrich

Dr.-Ing. Oliver Döbrich
School of Engineering
Fiber-Reinforced Plastics section
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
- Design and simulation of fibre-reinforced composite materials and structures
- Numerical modelling and simulation; Textile drape simulation
- Multiscale simulation of fiber based materials
- Composite testing and mechanical material analysis
- Senior Scientist
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
12 / 2019 - 11 / 2022 - Freelance Research and Development Engineer
01 / 2014 - 11 / 2019 - Research Associate
Technische Universität Dresden
01 / 2012 - 07 / 2019 - EU Junior Research Group SAXOMAX
TU Dresden
01 / 2013 - 12 / 2016
Education and Continuing education
- Dr.-Ing. / Textile Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden
01 / 2013 - 05 / 2018 - Dipl.-Ing. / Mechanical Engineering / Lightweight Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden
10 / 2004 - 05 / 2011 - Research Management for Junior Scientists
European Project Center, Technische Universität Dresden
2011 - 2011
Continuing Education
Research Management for Junior Scientists
European Project Center, Technische Universität Dresden
Membership of networks
- ZHAW Plattform - Additive Manufacturing
- SAMPE - Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering
ORCID digital identifier
- Delegate Award
SAMPE Europe
02 / 2022 - Sponsorship Award of the Friends and Sponsors of the ITM of the TU Dresden e.V.
Friends and Sponsors of the ITM of the TU Dresden e.V.
02 / 2012
Social media
- Chemical free finishing of textiles for sustainable improvement of wettability / Project leader / laufend
- 3D tape winding on additive manufactured cores / Project leader / laufend
Döbrich, Oliver; Steiner, Sarah; Böhler, Patrick; Radis, Rene,
Planar fibre winding for topological optimized composite structures.
Composites Part C: Open Access.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomc.2024.100545
Döbrich, Oliver; Brauner, Christian,
Machine vision system for digital twin modeling of composite structures.
Frontiers in Materials.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2023.1154655
Böhler, Patrick; Gubser, Marc; Ravic, Jelena; Döbrich, Oliver,
Modeling composite materials with respect to reinforcement textile construction [paper].
14th European LS-DYNA Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany, 18-19 October 2023.
Döbrich, Oliver,
Virtuelle Methoden : Digitalisierung der Faserverbundwerkstofftechnik ermöglicht neue Einblicke.
CU reports.
2023(02), pp. 49.
Available from: https://digitalmagazin.b4bschwaben.de/de/profiles/610b21560ff9/editions/27e004604699c3b1f0b1/pages/page/25
Döbrich, Oliver,
Mikroskalenmodellierung von technischen Textilien zur Vorhersage von Faserverbundeigenschaften.
CADFEM Conference, Rapperswil, Switzerland, 20 June 2024.
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Döbrich, O.; Gereke, T.; Diestel, O.; Krzywinski, S.; Cherif, C.: Decoupling the bending behavior and the membrane properties of finite shell elements for a correct description of the mechanical behavior of textiles with a laminate formulation. Journal of Industrial Textiles, first published on February 14, 2013, doi:10.1177/1528083713477442
- Döbrich, O.; Cherif, C.; Krzywinski, S.: Analysis and Finite Element Simulation of the Draping Process of Multi-layer Knit Structures and the Effects of a Localized Fixation. Advanced Composite Materials, Vol 22 (2013) 3, pp. 175-189, doi:10.1080/09243046.2013.791239
- Gereke T., Döbrich O., Hübner M., Cherif C.: Experimental and computational composite textile reinforcement forming: A review, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol.46 (2013), pp. 1-10, ISSN 1359-835X
- [Döbrich O., Gereke T., Cherif Ch.: Modelling of Textile Composite Reinforcements on the Micro-Scale. AUTEX Research Journal, Vol.14 (2014) 1, doi:10.2478/v10304-012-0047-z
- Döbrich O., Gereke T., Cherif Ch.: Modeling the mechanical properties of textile-reinforced composites with a near micro-scale approach. Composite Structures, Volume 135, January 2016, Pages 1-7, ISSN 0263-8223
- Gereke T, Döbrich O, Aibibu D, Nowotny J, Cherif C: Approaches for process and structural finite element simulations of braided ligament replacements Journal of Industrial Textiles 1528083716648765, first published on May 10, 2016 doi:10.1177/1528083716648765
- Döbrich, Oliver, et al. "Microscale finite element model of brittle multifilament yarn failure behavior." Journal of Industrial Textiles 47.5 (2018): 870-882
- Winger, H., Döbrich, O., Saeed, H., Gereke, T., Nocke, A., & Cherif, C. (2019). Monitoring the Joint Area of Composite Membrane Materials. Applied Sciences, 9(10), 2068
- Pham, Minh Quang, et al. "Numerical Modelling of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biaxial Weft-Knitted Fabrics on Different Length Scales." Materials 12.22 (2019): 3693.
- Döbrich, Oliver, Anderegg Ayoh, Gort Nicolas, Brauner, Christian: Machine Vision for As-Built Modeling of Complex Draped Composite Structures. 2021 , Materials , Vol. 14, No. 3
- Gort N., Döbrich O., Grieder S., Küng M., Brauner C.: Experimental analysis of orthotropic strength properties of non-crimp fabric based composites for automotive leaf spring applications, Composite Structures, Volume 271, 2021, 114154, ISSN 0263-8223
- Patents: Verfahren zur Herstellung von maschenfreien multiaxialen Gelegen, DE102013221176B4, 02.02.2017
- PhD Thesis: Döbrich, O.: Mehrskalensimulation von Textilverstärkungsstrukturen für Faserverbundanwendungen zum Einsatz in der Industrie 4.0, ePubli, 2018, ISBN 9783746732022
- Hübner, M.; Döbrich, O.; Diestel, O.; Krzywinski, S.; Gereke, Th.; Cherif, Ch.: Drape simulation of technical textiles for composites. Technical Textiles 56(2013)3, E94-E95
- Hübner, M.; Döbrich, O.; Diestel, O.; Krzywinski, S.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, C.: Wrinkle free draping. Kunststoffe International (2013)9, pp. 99-101
- Döbrich, O.; Gereke, Th.; Cherif, Ch.: A finite element based approach for the accurate determination of the shear behaviour of textiles with the picture-frame shear test. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 554-557 (2013), pp. 1105-1115, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.554-557.1105
- Matthäi, P; Döbrich, O; Cherif, Ch.: Development of a Novel Technology for new Generation of non crimp Fabrics – Manufacturing and Simulation. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 936 (2014), pp. 1821-1824, doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.936.1821
- Nezami, F.; Gereke, T.; Döbrich, O.; Cherif, Ch.: Isothermal multisection tooling for the automated preforming of carbon fiber composite structures. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 611-612 (2014), pp. 349-355,doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.611-612.349
- Döbrich, O.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, Ch.: Modelling and simulation of the coupling of normal pressure and shear force in plain woven fabrics. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 611-612 (2014), pp. 363-367, doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.611.612.363
- Döbrich, O.; Weise, D.; Hoffmann, G.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, C.: Simulation-aided development of non-crimped leno fabrics from high-performance coarse yarn. Technical Textiles 57(2014)5, pp. 162-164
- Kern, M., Pham, M.Q., Döbrich, O., Rothe, S., Gereke, T., Hoffmann, G., Kyosev, Y., Krzywinski, S., Cherif, C., Trommer, K., Meyer, M., Eipper, T., Hildebrand, V., Siegmund, S., Trommer, G.: Development and testing of a protection system against heavy winds with load-adapted pore sizes. Technische TextilienVolume 63, Issue 4-5, November 2020, Pages 148-151
- J. Hausding, R. Kleicke, O. Döbrich, C. Cherif: Improved Stitch-Bonded and Leno-Woven Multi-Plies for Composites, CD-Rom Vol. 54. SAMPE ´09, Baltimore (USA), May 18-21, 2009.
- Hübner, M.; Döbrich, O.; Gereke, T.; Krzywinski, S.; Cherif, C.: Modelling and simulation of the drape behaviour of textile structures considering a local structure fixation. 12th World Textile Conference AUTEX, 13.-15. Juni, 2012, Zadar, Kroatien
- Döbrich, O.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, C. Drape simulation: Textile material model for correct property reproduction to improve the preform development process of fiber-reinforced structures. 12th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference, 3.-5. Juni, Dearborn, MI, USA
- O. Döbrich, M. Hübner, O. Diestel, T. Gereke, S. Krzywinski, C. Cherif: Numerical draping simulations of textile composite reinforcements, CD-ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria, Eds.: Eberhardsteiner, J.; Böhm, H.J.; Rammerstorfer, F.G., Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7
- O. Döbrich, T. Gereke, C. Cherif: Virtual Weaving – Construction of a woven representative unit cell, Proceedings of the 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 22-24, 2013, Dresden, Germany
- Döbrich O., Käppler I., Matthäi P., Gereke T., Schulz C., Cherif C.: Structural modeling of multiaxial fabrics on the meso-scale, Proceedings of the 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 22-24, 2013, Dresden, Germany
- Schulz, Chr.; Käppler, I.; Matthäi, P.; Döbrich, O.; Bardl, G.; Cherif, Ch.: New stitch free multiaxial fabrics for composites - Needs and development. Proceedings of the 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 22-24, 2013, Dresden, Germany
- Matthäi, P.; Döbrich, O.; Käppler, I.; Schulz, Chr.; Cherif, Ch.: Limitations in non-woven fabrics - Challenge for stitch free multiaxial machines. Proceedings of the 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 22-24, 2013, Dresden, Germany
- Käppler, I.; Döbrich, O.; Matthäi, P.; Schulz, Chr.; Hund, R.-D.; Cherif, Ch.: Characterisation, surface treatment, and adhesion problematic of carbon fibers. Proceedings of the 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 22-24, 2013, Dresden, Germany
- Döbrich O., Gereke T., Cherif Ch.: A finite element based approach for the accurate determination of the shear behaviour of textiles with the picture-frame shear test, Proceedings of ESAFORM 2013 Conference, April 22-24, 2013, Aveiro, Portugal
- T. Gereke, E. Hufnagl, O. Döbrich, C. Cherif: Concepts for adaptive textile membrane constructions, Proceedings of the TensiNet SYMPOSIUM 2013, May 8-10, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
- T. Gereke, O. Döbrich, M. Hübner, C. Cherif: A simulation approach for textile composite reinforcements, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Composite Materials 2013, July 28 to August 2nd, Montreal, Canada
- Hübner, M.; Döbrich, O.; Gereke, Th.; Krzywinski, S.; Cherif, Ch.: Drape simulation of textile reinforcement structures. In: tts6.4-1100-matthias-huebner.pdf. Techtextil Symposium, Frankfurt, 11.-13. Juni 2013
- O. Döbrich, T. Gereke, C. Cherif: Modeling of textile composite reinforcements on the micro scale, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customisation, October 9-11, 2013, Lille, France
- D. Weise, O. Döbrich, G. Hoffmann, Ch. Cherif: Non-crimped Leno Woven Fabrics for High Performance fiber reinforced plastics, Proceedings of AUTEX Conference 2014, Turkey
- O. Döbrich, A. Younes, G. Bardl, I. Käppler, P. Matthäi, Ch. Cherif: A novel technology for manufacturing non-crimp reinforcement fabrics for composites, Proceedings of SAMPE Tech 2014, June 2nd-5th , 2014, Seattle, WA, USA
- T. Gereke, F.N. Nezami, O. Döbrich, M. Hübner, C. Cherif: Material models for draping simulation of carbon fibre fabric with process-induced variances of shear rigidity and contact parameters, Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, June 22-26th, 2014, Seville, Spain
- I. Käppler, A. Younes, P. Matthäi, O. Döbrich, G. Bardl, Ch. Cherif: Non-crimp fabric of the next generation - A novel production technology, Proceedings of 10th European Adhesion Conference, April 22-25th, 2014, Alicante, Spain
- O. Döbrich, T. Gereke, Ch. Cherif: Modelling and simulation of the coupling of normal pressure and shear force in plain woven fabrics, Proceedings of 17th ESAFORM Conference, May 7-9th, 2014, Espoo, Finland
- Nezami, F.; Gereke, T.; Döbrich, O.; Cherif, Ch.: Isothermal multisection tooling for the automated preforming of carbon fiber composite structures. Proceedings of 17th ESAFORM Conference, May 7-9th, 2014, Espoo, Finland
- Matthäi, P.; Döbrich, O.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of a novel technology for new generation of non-crimp fabrics – manufacturing and simulation, Proceedings of MSET 2014, June 28-29, Shanghai, China
- Weise D., Döbrich O., Hoffmann G., Cherif Ch.: Non-Crimped Leno Woven Fabrics For High Performance Fiber Reinforced Composites, Proceedings of 14th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 26th to 28th, Bursa, Turkey
- Bardl, G. ; Matthäi, P.; Käppler, I.; Döbrich, O. ; Younes, A.; Al-Monsur, Md. A.; Cherif, Ch.: Adhesive bonded non-crimp fabrics. Proceedings of 14th AUTEX World Textile Conference, May 26th to 28th, Bursa, Turkey
- Nezami F.N., Gereke T., Hübner M., Döbrich O., Cherif Ch.: Factors of process robustness in multilayer preforming of carbon fibre reinforcements. Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, 22.-26. June, 2014, Sevilla, Spain
- Döbrich O., Bardl G., Cherif Ch.: Multi-scale modelling of reinforcement structures with adjustable drapability. Proceedings of 8th Aachen Dresden International Textile Conference, 27. 28. November, 2014, Dresden, Germany
- Hübner, M.; Nezami, F.; Döbrich, O.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, Ch.: Drapiersimlation textiler Verstärkungsstrukturen auf Meso- und Makroebene am Beispiel komplexer Automobilgeometrien. In: Proceedings. compoForm 2015, München, 12. Mai 2015
- Döbrich, O.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, C. Drape simulation: Textile and Composite Modelling on a near Micro scale: Possibilities and Benefits. 10th European LS-DYNA® Users Conference 2015, 15.-17. Juni, Würzburg, Germany
- Gereke, T.; Hübner, M.; Döbrich, O.; Cherif, Ch.: Textile forming simulation on the meso- and macro-scale. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015), Madrid (Spain), July 06-10, 2015
- Gereke T., Nezami F., Hübner M., Döbrich O., Cherif Ch.: Active control of textile forming processes. 20th international Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM20), 19.-24.09.2015, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
- Döbrich O. Staiger E., Andrews M.-L., Gereke T., Cherif Ch.: A simulation model for metal-textile hybrid material. 16th AUTEX World Textile Conference 2016, 08.-10. June, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Döbrich O., Gereke T., Cherif Ch.: Virtual design of textile composites starts on a filament level. 17th European Conference on Composite Material, 26.-30. June, Munich, Germany
- M.Q. Pham, H. Wisselink, E. Lamers, O. Döbrich, W. Trümper, Modelling WEFT knitting for composite pre-forms. Fachkongress Composite Simulationen, 23.02.2017 Fellbach
- Döbrich O., Gereke T., Cherif Ch.: Multiscale simulation of textile reinforcements for composite applications. 18th European Conference on Composite Material, 25.-28. June, Athen, Greece
- M. Q. Pham, O. Döbrich, J. Mersch, T. Gereke, Ch. Cherif: Meso-scale model for the forming process of biaxial reinforced weft-knitted fabrics., 13th international Conference on Textile Composites TexComp, 17.-19.09.18, Milan, Italy
- T. Gereke, M. Q. Pham, M. Hübner, O. Döbrich, Ch. Cherif.: Discrete finite element models of textile structures. Euromech Colloquium 602 – Composite manufacturing processes. Analyses, modelling and simulations, March 13-15,2019, Lyon, France
- Pham, Minh Quang, et al. "ANALYSES OF THE DRAPABILITY OF BIAXIAL REINFORCED WEFT-KNITTED FABRICS BY MEANS OF FEM MESO-SCALE MODELS." Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference-Autex 2019. 2019
- Döbrich Oliver, Brauner Christian: Machine vision for digital twin simulation of composite structures. ECCM 20. 26-30.06.2022. Lausanne Switzerland
- P. Böhler, M. Gubser, J. Ravic, O. Döbrich: Modeling composite materials with respect to reinforcement textile construction. In: Proceedings, 14th European LS-DYNA Conference, October 18th-19th, Baden-Baden, Germany
Other publications
- Poster / Handouts O. Döbrich, M. Hübner, T. Gereke, C. Cherif: Drape simulation of High-Performance Textiles, Poster, Aachen Dresdner International Textile Conference 2012 (ADITC), November 29-30, 2012, Dresden, Germany O. Döbrich, A. Younes, G. Bardl, I. Käppler, P. Matthäi, Ch. Cherif: SAXOMAX – Developing a novel production technology for non-crimp fabrics. Poster, 7. Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference 2013 (ADITC), November 28.-29., 2013, Aachen, Germany Gereke, Th.; Malik, S. A.; Hübner, M.; Döbrich, O.; Cherif, Ch.: Structure and process simulation of technical textiles (Poster P112). In: CD-Rom und Kurzreferateband. 8. Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference 2014, Dresden, 27.-28. November 2014, S. 280 Döbrich O., Brauner C.: Machine vision for the assessment of composite production quality. SAMPE Europe 21 Conference, Baden, Switzerland, Award winner: Poster price
- Conferences / National O. Döbrich, T. Gereke: Drapiersimulation textiler Verstärkungsstrukturen zur Verbesserung der Preformentwicklung, 5. Innovationstag der GWT-TUD GmbH „Wie nähe ich mir ein Auto? – Textile Hochleistungswerkstoffe der Zukunft, 02.10.2012, Dresden, Germany Pham, M.Q.; Wisselink, H.; Lamers, E.; Döbrich, O.; Trümper, W.; Cherif, Ch. Modelling weft knitting for composite preforms. In: Proceedings. 6. Fachkongress Composite Simulation; Fellbach, 22.-23. Februar 2017 M.Q. Pham, O. Döbrich, M. Hübner, T. Gereke, Ch. Cherif: Struktur- und Prozesssimulation von Textilwerkstoffen, Tagungsband 1. Kolloquium der sächsischen Allianz für Material- und Ressourceneffiziente Technologien, 04.05.18, Chemnitz O. Döbrich, N. Gort, A. Anderegg, C. Brauner, F. Pavia, N. Zehnder: Qualitätsüberwachung der Faserverbundproduktion mittels Bildanalyse in einem virtuellen Produktionsumfeld. NAFEMS20 DACH Conference, 11.-13.05.2020, Bamberg, Deutschland