Prof. Dr. Sabina Gerber

Prof. Dr. Sabina Gerber
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Einsiedlerstrasse 31
8820 Wädenswil
Work at ZHAW
ORCID digital identifier
- Local brain retention for better brain cancer drugs / Project leader / laufend
- Development of a method for botulism diagnostics / Project leader / laufend
- Development and bioanalytics of therapeutic mAbs and ADC / Project leader / laufend
- Bioanalytics for the development of biopharmaceuticals / Project leader / laufend
- Catabolite Identification and Quantification / Project leader / laufend
- Endotoxin Quantification / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Molecular Mechanism of Host Infection by Bacteriophages / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Bioanalytics of multispecific therapeutic antibodies / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Enhancement the sensitivity for the pharmacokinetics of a clinical trial / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Development of therapeutic mAb and ADCs / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Pharmakokinetics for a clinical trial / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Molecular mechanism of bacteriophage tail spike proteins in bacterial infection / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Mass spectrometric analyses of DARPins / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Method development for the quantification of a biopharmaceutical against an auto-immune disease / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- ELISA Development for the quantification of anti-drug IgG1 antibodies in animal sera / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Bioanalytics of vaccine bioconjugate candidates / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- Method development for the early product quantification / Project leader / abgeschlossen
- EuroBioTox – European programme for the establishment of validated procedures for the detection and identification of biological toxins / Project leader / abgeschlossen
Josuran, Roland; Wenger, Andreas; Worbs, Sylvia; Kampa, Bettina; Rummel, Andreas; Dorner, Brigitte G.; Gerber, Sabina,
N-Glycosylation profile of abrin certified EU reference material.
17(3), pp. 108.
Available from:
Josuran, Roland; Wenger, Andreas; Müller, Christian; Kampa, Bettina; Worbs, Sylvia; Dorner, Brigitte G.; Gerber, Sabina,
16(6), pp. 243.
Available from:
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Perez C, Gerber S, Boilevin J, Bucher M, Darbre T, Aebi M, Reymond JL, Locher KP. “Structure and mechanism of a lipid-linked-oligosaccharide flippase” Nature 2015;524(7566):433-8.
- Chen F, Gerber S, Korkhov VM, Mireku S, Bucher M, Locher KP, Zenobi R. “On the Efficiency of NHS Ester Cross-Linkers for Stabilizing Integral Membrane Protein Complexes” J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2015;26(3):493-8.
- Park S, Gerber S, Lee JC. “Antibodies to Staphylococcus aureus Serotype 8 Capsular Polysaccharide React with and Protect against Serotype 5 and 8 Isolates” Infect Immun 2014;82(12):5049-55.
- Lizak C*, Gerber S*, Zinne D, Michaud G, Schubert M, Chen F, Bucher M, Darbre T, Zenobi R, Reymond JL, Locher KP “A catalytically essential motif in external loop 5 of the bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase PglB” J Biol Chem 2014;289(2):735-46. *equal contribution
- Lizak C*, Gerber S*, Michaud G, Schubert M, Fan YY, Bucher M, Darbre T, Aebi M, Reymond JL, Locher KP “Unexpected reactivity and mechanism of carboxamide activation in bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation”, Nat Commun 2013;4:2627. *equal contribution
- Chen F, Gerber S, Heuser K, Korkhov VM, Lizak C, Mireku S, Locher KP, Zenobi R “High-mass matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry of integral membrane proteins and their complexes”, Anal Chem 2013, 85(7):3483-8.
- Gerber S*, Lizak C*, Michaud G, Bucher M, Darbre T, Aebi M, Reymond JL, Locher KP. “Mechanism of bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase: in vitro quantification of sequon binding and catalysis”, J Biol Chem 2013 288(13):8849-61. *equal contribution
- Lizak C, Gerber S, Numao S, Aebi M, Locher KP. “X-ray structure of a bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase”, Nature, 2011, 474 (7351), 350-355.
- Gerber S*, Comellas-Bigler M*, Goetz BA, Locher KP. “Structural basis of trans-inhibition in a molybdate/tungstate ABC transporter” Science, 2008, 321 (5886), 246-250. *equal contribution
- Mayer M, Downing PT, Gerber S, Madrid PB, Pinto IG, Guy RK, James TL. “Synthesis and testing of a focused phenothiazine library for binding to HIV-1 TAR RNA” Chem Biol, 2006, 13(9), 993-1000.
Other publications
- Patent application: METHODS FOR PROTEIN PURIFICATION - WO 20/260436
- Patent application: IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITION - WO 19/121924 Granted in the US, US11286283
- Patent application: IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITION - WO 19/121926 Granted in the US, US11819544