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Prof. Dr. Fredrik Hacklin

Prof. Dr. Fredrik Hacklin

ZHAW School of Management and Law
Department International Business
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 66 71

Work at ZHAW


Director, Department of International Business Member of the Executive Committee, ZHAW School of Management and Law


His research, executive education and advisory activities are in the field of strategic entrepreneurship and innovation, with focus on challenges associated with digital disruption, industry reconfiguration and their implications for firm strategy. His work has been featured in various outlets such as the MIT Sloan Management Review and the Harvard Business Review case collection, and he is author of the book Management of Convergence in Innovation (2008). Being a regular speaker and trainer, he has worked with companies such as ABB, Art Basel, Bang & Olufsen, Danone, Deutsche Telekom, Johnson&Johnson, KPMG, Nokia and UBS, and advised organizations such as the European Parliament or the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. He is actively involved in start-up and corporate venturing activities, and is recipient of the research award by the Nokia–AlcatelLucent Foundation. His article “Strategic choices in converging industries” (2013) was selected “Top Strategy Article” by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.


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Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts