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Simon Carl Hardegger MSc UZH, Psychologist

Simon Carl Hardegger

Simon Carl Hardegger MSc UZH, Psychologist

ZHAW School of Applied Psychology
Institute of Diagnostik, Verkehrs- & Sicherheitspsychologie
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8037 Zürich

+41 (0) 58 934 83 54

Work at ZHAW


Head of Center Diagnostics, Traffic and Safety Psychology


  • Risk assessment of human factors in the vocational field
  • Personnel selection, aptitude diagnostics (high stake), recruitment, talent management
  • Single assessment, assessment centers, development centers, management audit
  • Psychological aptitude testing/ assessment in the traffic sector for pros, road, train, ships, airplanes
  • Psychological diagnostics for detecting destructive behavior tendencies
  • Safety psychology, human factors, high reliability theory, organisational resiliency, safety, security, police psychology
  • Learning & development, training, education, coaching, self management, leadership training, organisational development, crisis communication, conflict management, mediation


  • Head of IAP Center Diagnostics, Traffic & Safety Psychology
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
    09 / 2009 - today
  • Chief Instructor, Head of Instructor Team
    Delta Security AG
    01 / 1999 - 08 / 2009
  • Team Head Consultancy, Member of Executive Board
    Trans_m AG
    04 / 2007 - 07 / 2009
  • Senior Consultant, Switzerland & Europe
    Trans_m AG
    01 / 2005 - 03 / 2007
  • Consultant
    Asseva GmbH
    07 / 2000 - 12 / 2004

Education and Continuing education


  • MSc UZH / Psychology, Educational Science, Criminology
    University of Zurich
    10 / 1995 - 02 / 2002
  • Basic year / Economics & Law
    University of St.Gallen
    10 / 1993 - 09 / 1994

Continuing Education

  • Major (OF-3)
    Swiss Armed Forces
    04 / 2014
  • Crisis Communication
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
    11 / 2009
  • Mediation
    University of St.Gallen
    11 / 2008
  • Strategy based HR Controlling
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
    11 / 2006


Social media




Book parts, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts