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Dr. Ruth Esther Häusler Hermann

Dr. Ruth Esther Häusler Hermann

Dr. Ruth Esther Häusler Hermann

ZHAW School of Engineering
Forschungsschwerpunkt Human Factors
Technikumstrasse 71
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 67 75

Work at ZHAW


Team Leader Human Factors


  • Human and Automation Teaming
  • Evidence-based Training
  • Competency-based training with feedback from objective performance data
  • Measuring mental states when working with eye tracking and psychophysiological parameters
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Experiments and field studies on the use of new technology


  • Human Factors in Aviation
  • Learning from Incidents and Accidents
  • Systems Engineering and Safety Critical Systems


  • Member of the Federal Commission for Nuclear Safety
    Swiss Federal Office of Energy
    01 / 2014 - today
  • Co-founder of Human Factors Solutions Ltd
    01 / 2005 - today
  • Consultant for Federal Office of Civil Aviation, Member of the Human FActors Advisory Group for EASA
    01 / 2004 - 12 / 2010
  • Assistant at the Institute for Psychology of the University of Berne
    University of Berne
    10 / 2000 - 09 / 2006

Education and Continuing education


  • PhD / Psychology
    University of Berne
    10 / 2001 - 10 / 2006
  • Master / Psychology
    University of Berne
    09 / 1994 - 07 / 2000

Continuing Education

University Didactics
01 / 2011



Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

  • Häusler, R. (2000). Beurteilung von Teamverhalten im Cockpit: „CRM Basics Swissair“ – eine Rating-Skala mit Behavioral Markers. Unveröffentlichte Lizentiatsarbeit am Lehrstuhl für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Universität Bern.
  • Klampfer, B., Flin, R., Helmreich, R.L., Haeusler, R., Sexton, B., Fletcher, G., et al. (2001). Enhancing Performance in High Risk Environments: Recommendations for the use of Behavioural Markers [Brochure]. Berlin, Germany: Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz Stiftung, Collegium „Group Interaction in High Risk Environments“.
  • Klampfer, B., Haeusler, R., Naef, W. (2003). CRM behaviour and team performance under high workload: Outline and implications of a simulator study. In G. Edkins & P. Pfister (eds.), Innovation and consolidation in aviation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Sexton, B., Grommes, P., Zala-Menzö, E., Grote, G., Helmreich, R.L. & Haeusler, R. (2004). Leadership and co-ordination (pp. 163-184). In Dietrich, R. & Childress, T. (eds.), Group Interaction in High Risk Environments. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Grote, G., Helmreich, R., Sträter, O., Haeusler, R., Zala, E. & Sexton, B. (2004). Setting the stage: Characteristics of organizations, teams and tasks influencing team processes (pp. 111-139). In Dietrich, R. & Childress, T. (eds.), Group Interaction in High Risk Environments. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Haeusler, R. Klampfer, B., Amacher, A. & Naef, W. (2004). Behavioral markers in analyzing team performance of cockpit crews (pp. 25-37). In Dietrich, R. & Childress, T. (eds.), Group Interaction in High Risk Environments. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Kindler, C., Szirt, L., Sommer, D., Häusler, R. & Langewitz, W. (2005). A quantitative analysis of anaesthetist-patient communication during the pre-operative visit. Anesthesia, 60 (1), 53-59.
  • Häusler, R. (2006). Cockpit Crews auf Erfolgskurs – Eine videobasierte Analyse adaptiver Aufgabenstrategien in beanspruchenden Situationen. Unveröffentlichte Dissertation am Lehrstuhl für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Universität Bern.

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