Thomas Korner

Thomas Korner
President's Office
Ressort Bildung
Gertrudstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Head of Innovation Lab
Educational development, innovation in education, digital education
Lecturer in Generative KI in Lehre und Weiterbildung (Course in Continuing Education)
- Project manager development of the moodle and online exam service
Canton of Zurich Office for Middle and Vocational Schools
2022 - today - Lecturer for scientific writing
ETH Zürich
2020 - 2023 - Deputy head innovation management, educational development and technology
ETH Zürich
2010 - 2023 - teacher for geography and informatics
Kantonsschule Wiedikon
02 / 2008 - 02 / 2022
Education and Continuing education
- Teaching Diploma for Upper Secondary Education / Geography
University of Zurich
2002 - 2008 - Diploma / Geography
University of Zurich
1998 - 2004
Continuing Education
- CAS Agile Organisation
University of Applied Science and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
2021 - Sabbatical
University of New South Wales, AUS
2018 - e-learning certificate
University of Zurich, PH Zürich, ETH Zürich
Membership of networks
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Karin Brown, Andreas Reinhardt & Thomas Korner (2023): «Lecturer decision-making in the context of pandemic teaching: Rationales and evidence», International Journal for Academic Development, DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2023.2247387
- Korner, T., Reinhardt, A., Brown, K. (2022): «Change (or lack thereof) in lecturers’ didactic strategies and their reasoning following COVID-19 disruption», Präsentation, ICED22 in Aarhus.
- Korner, T., Hunt T., Bösch L., Shahin S. (2022): «Moodle Quiz. An Ongoing Example of Successful Open-source Development», Präsentation an der global Moodlemoot in Barcelona, zusammen mit Tim Hunt, Open University of the UK; Luca Bösch, BfH; Safat Shahin, Catalyst Australia.
- Korner, T. (2021): «Learning in 2040 – A journey to the future of tertiary learning», eleed e-learning & education, Iss. 14. (, urn:nbn:de:0009-5-52306.
- Brown, K., Korner, T. (2020): «Striving For Balance Between System Stability And Didactic Innovation» Wildcard presentation an der MoodlemootUS (zusammen mit Karin Brown)
- Korner, T. (2019): «Warum die Digitalisierung alles ändert - und nichts», Opening Keynote an der Dozierendenweiterbildung der RBZ Kiel (DE).
- Reinhardt, A., Korner, T., Walter, M. (2019): Community building as basis for fostering Teaching & Learning innovation - 18 years of project funding» in J. Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1066-1071). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Korner, T. (2017): «Digitalisierung – Was hat das mit der Lehre zu tun», Workshop am Treffen zum Thema „Digitalisierung der Lehre“, swissuniversities, Delegation Lehre.
- Korner, T., Volk, B., Valkering-Sijsling, M., & Reinhardt, A. (2013). «ETH EduApp - Eine multifunktionale Mobilapplikation für die Hochschullehre», . (Tagungsband zur GMW), Best Paper and Presentation Award.