Dr. Florian Landis

Dr. Florian Landis
School of Management and Law
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Distributional impacts of energy and climate policy
- Postdoc Researcher
ETH Zurich
05 / 2015 - 12 / 2021 - Postdoc Researcher
ZEW Mannheim
01 / 2013 - 04 / 2015 - Short Term Consultant
World Bank Group
04 / 2012 - 11 / 2012 - Research Assistant
ETH Zurich
06 / 2008 - 06 / 2009
Education and Continuing education
- Doctor of Science
ETH Zurich
09 / 2009 - 08 / 2012 - Master of Science / Physics
ETH Zurich
2001 - 2007
ORCID digital identifier
- Renewable Fuels and Chemicals for Switzerland / Team member / laufend
- Integrating very high shares of decentralized renewable energy into the Swiss energy system: Electricity market design and policy / Co-project leader / laufend
- DEcarbonisation of Cities and Regions with Renewable GAses (DeCIRRA) / Team member / laufend
Landis, Florian; Heindl, Peter,
Renewable energy targets in the context of the EU ETS : whom do they benefit exactly?.
The Energy Journal.
40(6), pp. 129-169.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.5547/01956574.40.6.flan
Landis, Florian; Rausch, Sebastian; Kosch, Mirjam,
Differentiated carbon prices and the economic cost of decarbonization.
Environmental and Resource Economics.
70(2), pp. 483-516.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-017-0130-y
Landis, Florian,
Distributional impacts of Swiss climate policy.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-30465
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Landis, Florian, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop (2009). “Hebbian Self- Organizing Integrate-and-Fire Networks for Data Clustering”. In: Neural Computation 22.1, pp. 273–288.
- Landis, Florian (2011). “Second-Order Sensitivity in Applied General Equilibrium”. In: Computational Economics 38.1, pp. 33–52.
- Landis, Florian and Thomas Bernauer (2012). “Transfer payments in global climate policy”. In: Nature Climate Change 2.8, pp. 628–633.
- Chen, Y. -H. Henry, Govinda R. Timilsina, and Florian Landis (2013). “Economic implications of reducing carbon emissions from energy use and industrial processes in Brazil”. In: Journal of Environmental Management 130, pp. 436–446.
- Böhringer, Christoph, Florian Landis, and Miguel Angel Tovar Reaños (2017). “Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Production in Germany”. In: The Energy Journal 38.01.
- Florian Landis and Sebastian Rausch (2017). Deep Transformations of the Energy Sector: A Model of Technology Investment Choice. Energy Economics, 68(S1): 136–147.
- Landis, Florian, Adriana Marcucci, et al. (2018). “Multi-Model Comparison of Swiss Decarbonization Scenarios”. In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics.
- Landis, Florian, Sebastian Rausch, Mirjam Kosch, and Christoph Böhringer (2019). “Efficient and Equitable Policy Design: Taxing Energy Use or Promoting Energy Savings?” In: Energy Journal 40.1.
- Landis, Florian (2019). “Cost Distribution and Equity of Climate Policy in Switzerland”. In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 155.11.
- Blazhe Gjorgiev, Jared B. Garrison, Xuejiao Han, Florian Landis, Renger van Nieuwkoop, Elena Raycheva, Marius Schwarz, Xuqian Yan, Turhan Demiray, Gabriela Hug, Giovanni Sansavini, Christian Schaffner (2022). "Nexus-e: A platform of interfaced high-resolution models for energy-economic assessments of future electricity systems". In: Applied Energy 307