Dr. Ingmar Schlecht

Dr. Ingmar Schlecht
School of Management and Law
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Research associate
- Electricity market
- market design
- grid modeling
- security of supply
- forward markets
- energy trading
- Research associate
ZHAW Winterthur
06 / 2021 - today - Senior Consultant
Neon Neue Energieökonomik GmbH
01 / 2018 - today - Postdoc
University of Basel
03 / 2017 - 03 / 2021 - Research assistant / PhD student
University of Basel
08 / 2012 - 03 / 2017 - Consultant
TYPO3 Association
01 / 2007 - 08 / 2012
Education and Continuing education
- PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) / Energy Economics
University of Basel
08 / 2012 - 02 / 2017 - M.Sc. / Economics
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
09 / 2009 - 09 / 2010 - B.Sc. / Economics
Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
10 / 2006 - 06 / 2009
ORCID digital identifier
Social media
Media presence
- SRF television (evening news), Interview
- Handelsblatt (German major newspaper)
- TELE TOP (TV), on electricity prices
- Euractiv
- Euractiv
- Euractiv
- Die Zeit, weekly newspaper
- Republik.ch (online newspaper)
- Utility-scale storage in Switzerland: Needs assessment and support instruments / Co-project leader / laufend
- Demand for energy storage in Switzerland / Project leader / laufend
- Renewable Fuels and Chemicals for Switzerland / Team member / laufend
- Integrating very high shares of decentralized renewable energy into the Swiss energy system: Electricity market design and policy / Team member / laufend
- The value of aggregators in a flexible and decentralized Swiss energy system / Project leader / laufend
- Pathways to an efficient future energy system through flexibility and sector coupling / Project leader / laufend
- BFE System Adequacy 2022 / Project leader / abgeschlossen
Schlecht, Ingmar; Maurer, Christoph; Hirth, Lion,
Energy Policy.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2024.113981
Ehrhart, Karl-Martin; Schlecht, Ingmar; Schmitz, Jan; Wang, Runxi,
Comparison of price caps and tariffs to counter a foreign monopoly.
Economics Letters.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111128
Dujardin, Jérôme; Schillinger, Moritz; Kahl, Annelen; Savelsberg, Jonas; Schlecht, Ingmar; Lordan-Perret, Rebecca,
Optimized market value of alpine solar photovoltaic installations.
Renewable Energy.
2022(186), pp. 878-888.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.01.016
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- 2023 Consentec & ZHAW (2022). Möglichkeiten der Stromverbrauchsreduktion zur Stärkung der Versorgungssicherheit. Studie für das Bundesamt für Energie. Autoren Bernd Tersteegen, Luise Bangert, Alexander Hobert, Christian Winzer, Ingmar Schlecht.
- 2022 Schlecht, Ingmar, Lion Hirth, Christoph Maurer (2022). Financial Wind CfDs. EconStor Working Paper No. 22-060.
- 2022 Ehrhart, Karl-Martin, Anselm Eicke, Lion Hirth, Fabian Ocker, Marion Ott, Ingmar Schlecht, Runxi Wang (2022). Congestion management games in electricity markets. ZEW Discussion Papers No. 22-060.
- 2022 Ehrhart, Karl-Martin, Ingmar Schlecht, Runxi Wang (2022). Price cap versus tariffs: The case of the EU-Russia gas market. EconStor.
- 2022 Ehrhart, Karl-Martin, Ingmar Schlecht (2022). Introducing a price cap on Russian gas: A game theoretic analysis. EconStor.
- 2020 Hirth, Lion, Ingmar Schlecht (2020). Market-Based Redispatch in Zonal Electricity Markets: The Preconditions for and Consequence of Inc-Dec Gaming. EconStor.
- 2020 Schlecht, Ingmar & Weigt, Hannes (2020). JASM Transmission Adequacy Assessment. SCCER Join Activity Scenarios and Modeling.
- 2019 Wiese, Frauke, Ingmar Schlecht, Wolf-Dieter Bunke, et al. (2019). Open power system data–frictionless data for electricity system modelling. Applied Energy. Vol. 236.
- 2019 Hirth, Lion, Christoph Maurer, Ingmar Schlecht und Bernd Tersteegen (2019). Strategisches Bieten in Flex-Märkten. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen. Heft 6.
- 2018 Pfenninger, Stefan, Lion Hirth, Ingmar Schlecht, Eva Schmid, Frauke Wiese, et al. (2018). Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned. Energy Strategy Reviews. Vol. 19,
- 2018 Savelsberg, Jonas, Moritz Schillinger, Ingmar Schlecht, Hannes Weigt (2018). The Impact of Climate Change on Swiss Hydropower. Sustainability. Vol. 10(7).
- 2015 Schlecht, I., Weigt, H. (2015). Linking Europe: The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 151, 125–165.
- 2014 Lorenz, Casimir, Ingmar Schlecht, Benjamin Reinhard, Richard Weinhold, Robert Mieth (2014). Assessing inefficiencies on the German balancing market. 11th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM14). IEEE Xplore.
- 2014 Schlecht, Ingmar & Weigt, Hannes (2014). Swissmod: A Model of the Swiss Electricity Market. University of Basel WWZ Discussion Paper 2014/04.