Doris Tausendpfund

Doris Tausendpfund
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil
- Improving the living conditions of sweet chestnuts in urban areas: Outdoor trial at the Grüental campus / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Site development Viererfeld/Mittelfeld Bern / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Sponge City Winterthur - Zwinglistrasse infiltration channel / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Development of Basel perennial substrate: Scientific biochar outdoor trial in Arlesheim / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Sponge city pilot project Bern Schosshalden cemetery: Development of the storage substrate for root expansion / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Structurally Stable Substrates for Sustainable Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management: A Field Trial with Urban Trees in Wädenswil / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Comparison of building development in urban areas and outdoor laboratories and in different substrate compositions / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Effect on vitality of tree plantings with biochar-enriched substrate: Scientific outdoor trial in Arlesheim (BL) / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Lucerne sponge city project: Use of sponge city elements in the public street space / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Development of a new formulation of tree substrate for Grün Stadt Zürich: Scientific development of the substrate formulation / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
- Green Spaces for the Second Half of Life / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Analysis and Evaluation of the garden design of the housing development Glancenberg no.12 and 26-28 in Dietikon belonging to the housing association Eigengrund / Team member / abgeschlossen
- "Pulse" / Team member / abgeschlossen
Bertschy, Alain; Heinrich, Axel; Stevanovic, Stefan; Tausendpfund, Doris; et al.,
Hall-like urban forests : sustainable concept for temporal brownfield transformations [poster].
26th European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF), Zagreb, Croatia, 21-25 May 2024.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from:
Tausendpfund, Doris; Heinrich, Axel; Derman-Baumgartner, Céline,
Versuche in der Landespflege.
21(1), pp. 5.
Brenneisen, Stephan; Baumann, Nathalie; Tausendpfund, Doris,
Ökologischer Ausgleich auf dem Dach : Vegetation und bodenbrütende Vögel.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: