Prof. Dr. Mario Weder

Prof. Dr. Mario Weder
School of Engineering
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Senior Lecturer IMES in Experimental Dynamics
- Research and Development: Conception, planning and execution of applied research projects • Focus on dynamics, measurement and sensor technology
- Measure and Validate: Comprehensive development of test benches and procedures • Experimental validation of models • Piezoelectric measuring technology • Laser Doppler vibrometry
- Model and Analyze: Modeling and validation of dynamic systems • Surrogate models • Systematic analysis and visualization of large data sets
- Dynamics: Vibrations • Wave propagation • Rotor dynamics • Fluid-structure coupling • Non-smooth dynamics
- Physics 3: Kinematics & Kinetics (PHY3)
- Mechanical Vibrations (MDYN)
- Finite Element Method (FEM)
- Project module (PM4)
- R&D Scientist
INFICON AG in Balzers (Liechtenstein) and East Syracuse NY (USA)
07 / 2018 - 07 / 2022 - Research and Teaching Assistant
Institute for Mechanical Systems, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
12 / 2012 - 05 / 2018 - Development Engineer in the division Research & Technology
Kistler Instrumente AG, Winterthur (Switzerland)
04 / 2007 - 12 / 2010 - Research Assistant
Institute of Product- and Production Engineering, School of Engineering FHNW, Windisch (Switzerland)
01 / 2005 - 12 / 2006
Education and Continuing education
- Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) / Mechanical Engineering
ETH Zurich
03 / 2013 - 04 / 2018 - Teaching Certificate (TC) / Mechanical Engineering
ETH Zurich
09 / 2011 - 12 / 2014 - Master of Science ETH (MSc ETH ME) / Mechanical Engineering
ETH Zurich
02 / 2010 - 12 / 2012 - Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Dipl. Ingenieur FH) / Mechanical Engineering (Majoring in Energy Technology)
University of Applied Sciences Aargau
10 / 2001 - 12 / 2004 - Certified Machine Mechanic, Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training / Manufacturing Technology
ABB Baden
08 / 1997 - 07 / 2001
ORCID digital identifier
- ETH Medal 2013
ETH Zurich
05 / 2013 - Scholarship of Markus Meier Fund for Master Studies at ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich
08 / 2011
- Simulation Method to Predict Vibrations of Liquid-coupled Rotor–Stator Systems with Bladed Rotors / Project leader / laufend
- Digital twin of ROSTA rubber spring elements / Project leader / laufend
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Weder, M. (2018) Vibration of Rotor–Stator Systems Coupled by Viscous Liquids: Theory, Experiment and Simulation. Diss. ETH No. 24972, ETH Zurich
- Weder, M. (2012) Linear Stability and Acoustics of a Subsonic Plane Jet Flow, Master Thesis, ETH Zurich
- Römmeler, A., Zolliker, P., Neuenschwander, J., van Gemmeren, V., Weder, M. and Dual, J. (2020) Air coupled ultrasonic inspection with Lamb waves in plates showing mode conversion. Ultrasonics, 100:105984
- Weder, M., Horisberger, B., Monette Ch., Sick, M. and Dual J. (2019) Experimental modal analysis of disk-like rotor–stator system coupled by viscous liquid. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 88:198–215
- Weder, M., Gloor, M., and Kleiser, L. (2015). Decomposition of the temporal growth rate in linear instability of compressible gas flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 778:120–132
- Fritzsche, P., Weder, M., Wyss, I., Hörmann, M., and Müller, J. (2008). A procedure for the simulation of failure in thermoplastic composites. Composite Structures, 85(4):337–349
- Weder, M., Horisberger, B., Monette, C., and Dual, J. (2016). Structure-structure coupling by liquids: Vibration measurements on a rotating disk with self-tracking LDV. Proceedings of the 12th A.I.VE.LA Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques: Advances and Applications, Ancona, Italy
- Weder, M. and Dual, J. (2016). Damping of waves in a layered structure composed of two elastic plates coupled by a viscous liquid. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montréal, Canada
- Vollero, M., Weder, M. and Wagner, J. (2023) Ion source assembly with multiple elliptical filaments. Patent WO/2023/114166
- Weder, M., Vollero, M. and Sousou, N. (2022) Time-of-flight mass spectrometer assembly with a secondary flange. Patent WO/2022/240813.
- Briglin, S., Vollero, M., Wiley, J. G. and Weder, M. (2022) HTCC antenna for generation of plasma. Patent WO/2022/125745.
- Strietzel, C., Wälchli, U., Kaiser, S., Riesch, Ch., Andreaus, B. and Weder, M. (2021) Method for detecting pressure, and pressure sensor. Patent WO/2021/052599.
- Schading, G., Müller, J., Schöllhorn, K., Weder, M. and Gossweiler, Ch. (2008) Apparatus for performing dynamic strength measurements and method for measuring strength values. Patent WO/2008/086635.