Isabella Deutsch

Isabella Deutsch
School of Management and Law
Department Business Law
Work at ZHAW
- Owner
IDee Management GMBH
08 / 2015 - today - Project manager Project – Portfolio Management
ThyssenKrupp Presta AG, Eschen
02 / 2012 - 07 / 2015 - Quality methodologist, project management
ThyssenKrupp Presta AG, Eschen
06 / 2010 - 02 / 2012 - Project engineer, production planner, material controller
ThyssenKrupp Presta AG, Eschen
03 / 2007 - 06 / 2010
Education and Continuing education
- Master's degree in Social and Economic Sciences / International Business Administration
University Vienna (Austria)
10 / 2003 - 12 / 2005 - Exchange semester
„école de commerce“ der Katholischen Universität Lyon
01 / 2003 - 08 / 2003 - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft / International Business Administration
University Vienna (Austria)
10 / 2000 - 01 / 2003 - Basic education & Matura / Wirtschaftslehre & gehobene Hotellerie
Secondary school for economic professions Vienna
09 / 1995 - 06 / 2000
Continuing Education
- Instructor with a federal diploma
Lernwerkstatt Olten
05 / 2019 - Project Management Certificate IPMA Level D
12 / 2016 - Hermes Foundation Certifate
ZHAW Winterthur)
11 / 2015 - Project management certification course according to PMI
prometric center
02 / 2012
Membership of networks
spm professional association for project management