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Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Neininger

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Neininger

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Neininger

ZHAW School of Engineering
Centre for Aviation
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur

Work at ZHAW


Former Team Leader and Lecturer in Meteorology and Aviation from autumn 2006 until retirement on 31 July 2017: Lecturer for the modules MET-AVE (Meteorology for Aviation and Engineering) in the aviation course, as well as TEWK (Traditional Energy Economics and Climate) in the Energy and Environmental Engineering course, with research, continud education and services in this field.


  • Aviation meteorology and associated safety
  • Environmental meteorology


Lecturer in Meteorology and Aviation (Set 2006 until retirement on 31 July 2017) Lecturer for the modules MET-AVE (Meteorology for Aviation and Engineering) in the aviation course, as well as TEWK (Traditional Energy Economics and Climate) in the Energy and Environmental Engineering course. Advanced Aviation Meteorology as a course in continued education


  • CEO and Chief Scientist
    07 / 1990 - today
  • Post-Doc on several research projects, program management of POLLUMET
    ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
    09 / 1988 - 04 / 1995

Education and Continuing education


PhD in Atmospheric Physics / Atmospheric Physics
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
09 / 1975 - 10 / 1988

Continuing Education

Gliding Instructor
04 / 1979


Membership of networks

ORCID digital identifier

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7269-4978

Media presence

Several publications during the European "ash crisis" in 2010


Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

See most publications in ResearchGate

Other publications