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Theatre Quality Frame

A theater-specific quality management system


The Center for Arts Management (ZKM) of ZHAW, Theater Winterthur and TQU Winterthur AG are developing a sustainable, theatertypical quality management system (Theater Quality Frame) using a pilot project at Theater Winterthur. It contains the theater specific core processes as well as supporting processes, management processes and energy management. New indicators for process performance at theaters are created. The Theater Quality Frame is DIN EN ISO 90001 and ISO 50001 compatible and theater-specific. The project is supported by the Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI). Project duration: October 2012 to December 2015.

Key Data


Dr. Diana Betzler

Project team

Sabrina Kabitz

Project partners

TQU AG; Theater Winterthur AG

Project status

completed, 12/2010 - 12/2015

Funding partner

KTI-Projekt / Projekt Nr. 14717.1 PFES-ES

Project budget

232'000 CHF