Development and Market Introduction of a System for Label-Free Affinity Analysis with Highest-In-Class Sensitivity
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Christiane Zaborosch
Project team
Romina Dörig, Reto Gianotti, Roland Josuran, Angelika Koller
Project partners
Creoptix AG
Project status
completed, 01/2012 - 03/2014
Funding partner
KTI-Projekt / Projekt Nr. 13390.1;11 PFFLE-LS
Further documents and links
Development of a high sensitivity label free waveguide interferometry instrument : a project of Creoptix GmbH with the center for Biochemistry ZHAW as main research partner
2013 Cottier, Kaspar; Vegh, Matyas; Knapp, Helmut; Graf, Siegfried; Gygax, Daniel; Spies, Peter; Josuran, Roland; Koller, Angelika; Gianotti, Reto; Dörig, Romina; Zaborosch, Christiane
Development of a high sensitivity label-free waveguide interferometry instrument : a project between the Center for Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry ZHAW as main research partner and Creoptix GmbH
2013 Cottier, Kaspar; Vegh, Matyas; Knapp, Helmut; Graf, Siegfried; Gygax, Daniel; Spies, Peter; Josuran, Roland; Koller, Angelika; Gianotti, Reto; Dörig, Romina; Zaborosch, Christiane
Entwicklung eines Marker-freien Affinitätsmessgerätes mit höchster Empfindlichkeit : ein Projekt der Creoptix GmbH in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachstelle Biochemie des Instituts für Chemie und Biologische Chemie ZHAW als Hauptforschungspartner
2013 Cottier, Kaspar; Vegh, Matyas; Knapp, Helmut; Graf, Siedfried; Gygax, Daniel; Spiess, Peter; Josuran, Roland; Koller, Angelika; Gianotti, Reto; Dörig, Romina; Zaborosch, Christiane