Conservation biology of cryptogam communities on erratic boulders in the Swiss Plateau and Jura Mountains
Pleistocene erratic boulders sometimes harbour exclusive rock-dwelling cryptogams (bryophytes, ferns and lichens) and thereby contribute to the biodiversity of landscapes. This is especially the case where erratic boulders constitute the only natural rock habitats or where the chemical composition of boulders contrasts with surrounding bedrock composition. In the calcareous Swiss Plateau and Jura Mountains, about 27 bryophyte, one fern and numerous lichen species exclusively occur on siliceous erratic boulders. Despite their significance for biodiversity, glacial history and island biogeography, conservation aspects of cryptogams on Swiss siliceous erratic boulders have never been considered. Moreover, these spatially isolated communities face threats such as land use changes and rock climbing (bouldering). The present study thus aims at creating the scientific foundations for the conservation of cryptogam communities on siliceous erratic boulders. Current bryophyte and vascular plant diversities and their main ecological determinators will be analysed with general linear models in six to eight study regions with 20 to 40 siliceous erratic boulders per region. The effect of chalk used in climbing and bouldering on calcifuge rockdwelling bryophytes and ferns will be assessed in full factorial experiments in climate chambers. Conservation relevant population processes will be addressed in the fern Asplenium septentrionale and the moss Hedwigia ciliata based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) retrieved from double digest restriction associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD). The studies’ outcomes will allow developing conservation measures for cryptogam communities on erratic boulders as well as for isolated populations of rockdwelling cryptogams in general.
Key Data
Project partners
Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETH; Pro Natura - Schweizerischer Bund für Naturschutz
Project status
completed, 05/2015 - 10/2022
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU; Gemeinde Herrliberg; Gemeinde Meilen; Kanton Zürich / Amt für Landschaft und Natur; Temperatio-Stiftung; NAKUSO-Stiftung; Wolfermann-Nägeli-Stiftung; Parrotia-Stiftung; Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC
Further documents and links
Neither connectivity nor genetic diversity matter in the conservation of a rare fern and a moss on insular erratic boulders
2021 Hepenstrick, Daniel; Zemp, Niklaus; Widmer, Alex; Holderegger, Rolf
Factors determining bryophyte species richness and community composition on insular siliceous erratic boulders in calcareous landscapes
2021 Hepenstrick, Daniel; Bergamini, Ariel; Webster, Clare; Ginzler, Christian; Holderegger, Rolf
Beiträge zur bryofloristischen Erforschung der Schweiz – Folge 16
2021 Bergamini, Ariel; Boch, Steffen; Hepenstrick, Daniel; Kiebacher, Thomas; Lüth, Michael; Moser, Tobias; Müller, Niklaus; Schnyder, Norbert
Findlinge sind wertvolle Lebensräume
2020 Hepenstrick, Daniel; Schmit, Françoise
Findlinge sind wertvolle Lebensräume
2020 Hepenstrick, Daniel; Schmit, Françoise
The distribution of climbing chalk on climbed boulders and its impact on rock‐dwelling fern and moss species
2020 Hepenstrick, Daniel; Bergamini, Ariel; Holderegger, Rolf
Beiträge zur bryofloristischen Erforschung der Schweiz – Folge 15
2020 Bergamini, Ariel; Hepenstrick, Daniel; Hofmann, Heike; Kiebacher, Thomas; Moser, Tobias; Müller, Niklaus; Schnyder, Norbert; Stix, Senta; Urmi, Edi
Beiträge zur bryofloristischen Erforschung der Schweiz – Folge 14
2019 Bergamini, Ariel; Büschlen, Arnold; Hepenstrick, Daniel; Kiebacher, Thomas; Meier, Markus; Schnyder, Norbert; Urmi, Edi
A simple, magnet-assisted bryophyte cross sectioning tool for beginners and for teaching in bryology
2018 Hepenstrick, Daniel
Naturschutzobjekt Alexanderstein
2018 Hepenstrick, Daniel
Beiträge zur bryofloristischen Erforschung der Schweiz – Folge 13
2018 Bergamini, Ariel; Hepenstrick, Daniel; Hofmann, Heike; Kiebacher, Thomas; Meier, Markus; Niklaus, Müller; Roloff, Frauke; Schnyder, Norbert
Naturschutzobjekt Pflugstein
2017 Hepenstrick, Daniel
Die Moosflora des silikatischen Findlings Alexanderstein in Küsnacht (ZH)
2016 Hepenstrick, Daniel; Urmi, Edi; Meier, Markus K.; Bergamini, Ariel
Spannend, wertvoll und gesucht : Nordische Streifenfarne (Asplenium septentrionale) auf Findlingen
2014 Hepenstrick, Daniel
Der Nordische Streifenfarn auf Findlingen : eine Flaggschiffart für die Findlingsflora im Mittelland und Jura
2014 Hepenstrick, Daniel