SCCER Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility
Capacity Area A2: Chemical Energy Converters
About 34% of total energy use in Switzerland is in the transport sector – moving people and goods around on roads, rail and in the air. This mainly involves the use of fossil fuels, with associated high levels of CO2 emissions. The Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility SCCER in the area of action on ‘Efficient concepts, processes and components in mobility’ aims to provide knowledge and technologies that allow to implement a long-term transport system. Capacity Area A2 focuses on the transfer from fossil to renewable fuel operated combustion engines and fuel cell technologies with increased efficiency for passenger cars, busses, light and heavy duty trucks. Fuel cell research concentrates on hydrogen from fluctuating renewables. Hydrogen fed fuel cells are a highly efficient drivetrain technology (>50% real life cycle). Further technological innovation is needed for the commercial breakthrough of fuel cell technology in individual mobility, e.g. the development of a novel concept of thermo-neutral fuel cell operation thus promoting the marketability of fuel cell vehicles by simplification of the overall system.
Key Data
Project team
Luigino Capone, Jaka Dujc, Dr. Robert Herrendörfer, Vit Ovara, Dr. Roman Vetter
Project partners
Paul Scherrer Institut PSI
Project status
completed, 01/2017 - 12/2020
Funding partner
Förderprogramm Energie / SCCER Mobility; Bundesamt für Energie BFE
Project budget
368'877 CHF
Further documents and links
Battling the large car boom: How to increase the adoption of small battery electric vehicles
2023 Hörler, Raphael; Stoiber, Thomas; Del Duce, Andrea
Push and pull strategies to increase the uptake of small electric vehicles
2023 Hoerler, Raphael; Stoiber, Thomas; Del Duce, Andrea
Sustainable transformation of the mobility system : the interplay between mobility services and electric vehicles
2022 Hörler, Raphael
Could battery electric vehicle purchase price subsidies and improvements in charging infrastructure lead to car free households buying a car? : a multiple price list choice experiment with Swiss households
2022 Hörler, Raphael
The interplay between sharing services and battery electric vehicles : relevant push&pull measures in supporting the transformation to a sustainable mobility system
2022 Hörler, Raphael
Carsharing experience fostering sustainable car purchasing? : investigating car size and powertrain choice
2021 Hoerler, Raphael; van Dijk, Jeremy; Patt, Anthony; Del Duce, Andrea
Feedback loops in mobility and recommendations on system transformation – the Swiss case
2021 Hoerler, Raphael; Tomic, Uros; Del Duce, Andrea
Swiss mobility transformation to sustainability : recommendations on niche developments
2021 Hoerler, Raphael; Tomic, Uros; Del Duce, Andrea
Drivers for utilizing pooled-use automated vehicles : empirical insights from Switzerland
2020 Stoiber, Thomas; Hoerler, Raphael
Are carsharing users more likely to buy a battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric or hybrid electric vehicle? : powertrain choice and shared mobility in Switzerland
2020 Hoerler, Raphael; Tomic, Uros; Dijk, Jeremy Van; Patt, Anthony; Del Duce, Andrea
What are the factors and needs promoting mobility-as-a-service? Findings from the Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey (SHEDS)
2020 Hoerler, Raphael; Stünzi, Anna; Patt, Anthony; Del Duce, Andrea
3-D simulation of water and heat transport processes in fuel cells during evaporative cooling and humidification
2020 Herrendörfer, Robert; Schumacher, Jürgen; Cochet, Magali; Büchi, Felix N.; Boillat, Pierre
Mode choice for commuting and leisure : a matter of lifestyle?
2019 Tomic, Uros; Hoerler, Raphael; Del Duce, Andrea
Transforming the Swiss mobility system : who are the future e-sharers?
2019 Hoerler, Raphael; Tomic, Uros; Del Duce, Andrea
Trends, behaviour and system dynamics : guiding principles for transformation
2018 Hoerler, Raphael; Hoppe, Merja
Hydrogen for electromobility : a promising energy carrier
2017 Boillat, Pierre; Cochet, Magali; Büchi, Felix; Lamibrac, Adrien; Mularczyk, Adrian; Vetter, Roman; Schumacher, Jürgen Otto