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SCCER Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility

Capacity Area A2: Chemical Energy Converters


About 34% of total energy use in Switzerland is in the transport sector – moving people and goods around on roads, rail and in the air. This mainly involves the use of fossil fuels, with associated high levels of CO2 emissions. The Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility SCCER in the area of action on ‘Efficient concepts, processes and components in mobility’ aims to provide knowledge and technologies that allow to implement a long-term transport system. Capacity Area A2 focuses on the transfer from fossil to renewable fuel operated combustion engines and fuel cell technologies with increased efficiency for passenger cars, busses, light and heavy duty trucks. Fuel cell research concentrates on hydrogen from fluctuating renewables. Hydrogen fed fuel cells are a highly efficient drivetrain technology (>50% real life cycle). Further technological innovation is needed for the commercial breakthrough of fuel cell technology in individual mobility, e.g. the development of a novel concept of thermo-neutral fuel cell operation thus promoting the marketability of fuel cell vehicles by simplification of the overall system.

Key Data

Project team

Luigino Capone, Jaka Dujc, Dr. Robert Herrendörfer, Vit Ovara, Dr. Roman Vetter

Project partners

Paul Scherrer Institut PSI

Project status

completed, 01/2017 - 12/2020

Funding partner

Förderprogramm Energie / SCCER Mobility; Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Project budget

368'877 CHF
