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Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Network (H-DisNet)


The project develops a new technology for district and heating network which combines district heating and cooling with drying and humidification services. While coventional district heating networks transports thermal energy, "chemical potential" is transported in thermochemical networks in form of a concentrated salt solution. Thermal energy is released when the salt solution is humidified by water vapour (air humidity). The salt solution can be then regenerated using waste heat and renewable energy at low temperature. The main advantages of this technology are:

  • no heat losses during transport or storage
  • timing and space shift between heat utilisation and heat production
  • use of waste heat and renewable energy sources

ZHAW is demonstrating the technology in a greenhouse and in a biogas plant.

Key Data

Project team

Claudio Koller

Project partners

Aurubis AG; Thermaflex International GmbH; Watergy GmbH; Technische Universität Berlin; Newcastle University; Catholic University of Leuven

Project status

completed, 06/2016 - 05/2019

Funding partner

Horizon 2020 / Projekt Nr. 695780

Project budget

2'700'000 EUR