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Energy Policy Analysis Group / SCCER CREST


The Energy Policy Analysis Group was set up by the Center for Public Commercial Law as an interdisciplinary research team affiliated with the Swiss Competence Center for Research in Energy, Society and Transition (CREST). It deals with economic and legal aspects of energy provision at a domestic and an international level. In this context, it addresses questions such as how political and regulatory instruments have to be designed to enable regenerative energies to be utilized more widely, how energy efficiency can be increased, and how greenhouse emissions can be reduced.

Key Data

Project team

Johanna Cludius, Dr. Leonie Dörig, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hefti, Dr. Brigitta Kratz, Thomas Leu, Dr. Kaspar Plüss, Prof. Dr. René Wiederkehr

Project status

completed, 01/2014 - 12/2016

Funding partner


Project budget

580'000 CHF