Informed Consent and Comprehensibility Issues
Informed Consent and Comprehensibility Issues Research involving humans as subjects can be problematic from an ethical standpoint, because people’s welfare and personal sphere should be protected. For this reason, legislation regulates that potential participants must be informed about research procedures and any risks associated with them. The Swiss Federal Act on Research involving Human Beings (Human Research Act) stipulates that study participants must provide their informed consent on the basis of comprehensible oral and written information. A team from the ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics is carrying out a project about issues surrounding informed consent on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). In view of the revision of the Human Research Act, the FOPH is interested in knowing exactly what “comprehensible information” means for potential study participants from a linguistic perspective. In the first project phase, the ZHAW team consolidated the most important findings from the research literature and proposed a comprehensibility model for informed consent. A corpus of written patient information texts was analysed and comprehensibility issues identified by applying this model. In the second phase of the project, the ZHAW team is focusing on three aspects of comprehensibility issues:
1. The influence of regulatory authorities on patient information with a view to deriving good-practice recommendations.
2. The comprehensibility of the consent form for biobanks (“general consent”)
3. The combination of oral and written modalities for obtaining informed consent with respect to various participant profiles. An integral part of the evaluation of the HRA, the informed consent project deploys a wide range of methods from the discipline of applied linguistics to determine effective ways to present information in comprehensible form to potential research participants.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Felix Steiner
Prof. Dr. Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow
Project team
Gianni De Nardi, Dr. Igor Matic, Romina Schaub-Torsello, Martin Schuler
Project partners
Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG
Project status
completed, 01/2016 - 12/2020
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG
Project budget
270'000 CHF
Analysing and optimising Informed Consent in cooperation with ethics committees and medical researchers
2021 Matic, Igor; De Nardi, Gianni; Steiner, Felix
Laien-Fachwortgebrauch für die Aufklärung nutzen : das Projekt eines digitalen Varianten-Fachwörterbuchs
2021 De Nardi, Gianni; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Analysing and optimising Informed Consent in cooperation with ethics committees and medical researchers
2021 De Nardi, Gianni; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Digitaler Zugang zu laienverständlichem Fachwortschatz im Kontext der Humanforschung
2020 De Nardi, Gianni; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Die Kombination von mündlicher und schriftlicher Informed-Consent-Aufklärung
2019 De Nardi, Gianni; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Informed-Consent-Aufklärung aus Sicht der Forschenden
2019 De Nardi, Gianni; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Informed Consent in verständlicher Form : Zusammenfassung des Forschungsprojekts «Verständlichkeit – Anforderung des Humanforschungsgesetzes und deren Umsetzung»
2019 De Nardi, Gianni; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Consenso informato in forma comprensibile : sintesi del progetto di ricerca «Comprensibilità – Requisito della legga sulla ricerca umana e la sua attuazione»
2019 De Nardi, Gianni; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Informed consent and comprehensibility issues : summary of the research project «Comprehensibility – A Requirement of the Human Research Act and its Implementation»
2019 De Nardi, Gianni; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Consentement éclairé et compréhensibilité : résumé du projet de recherche «La compréhensibilité – und prérequis pour la Loie relative à la recherche sur l’être humain et pour sa mise en application»
2019 De Nardi, Gianni; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Verständlichkeit kontrollieren : Auffassungen der Schweizer Ethikkommissionen bei der Prüfung von Informed-Consent-Aufklärungsdokumenten
2018 Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix; De Nardi, Gianni
Verständlichkeit von schriftlicher Aufklärung zur Forschungsteilnahme : die Auffassungen und Strategien von Ethikkommissionen und Forschenden
2018 De Nardi, Gianni; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Verständlichkeitsstudie Generalkonsent : Aufklärung und Einwilligung zur Weiterverwendung von biologischem Material und gesundheitsbezogenen Personendaten für die Forschung
2018 De Nardi, Gianni; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix
Informed Consent : Literaturbericht, Verständlichkeitsmodell und Evaluation der swissethics-Templates
2016 Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Matic, Igor; Steiner, Felix