Cost effective smart grid solutions for the integration of renewable power sources into the low-voltage networks (CEVSol)
Techno-economic analysis of classical grid reinforcement, PV active and reactive power control (APC and RPC), line voltage regulator, on-load tap changer , battery storage and load management in several grid categories.
In this project, technical performance and economic efficiency of solutions for voltage control in distribution grids with large fractions of renewables will be developed and evaluated. This will be carried out based on the analysis of existing distribution grids by extracting approximated/reduced grid models. The methodology will be applied on national as well as international (Germany and Austria) distribution grids.
Key Data
Project team
Fabian Carigiet, Dr. Valerijs Knazkins, Raphael Knecht
Project partners
Stadtwerk Winterthur; Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich EKZ; Elektrizitätswerk des Kantons Schaffhausen AG
Project status
completed, 04/2016 - 03/2019
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Energie BFE
Project budget
290'000 CHF
Further documents and links
Investigation of local voltage control solutions for the integration of renewable power sources into the low-voltage networks
2020 Obusevs, Artjoms; Carigiet, Fabian; Baumgartner, Franz; Korba, Petr
Techno-economic evaluation of voltage dependent active and reactive power control to reduce voltage violations in distribution grids
2018 Knecht, Raphael; Carigiet, Fabian; Schwab, Alain; Korba, Petr; Baumgartner, Franz