Smart Commuting
Smart and Mobile Work in Growth Regions
This project explores new ways of combining work and life with new intelligent transport system
services and new concepts for supporting sustainable commuting. The mobility of workforce is
increasing due to technology development, commuting and the nature of work. This has many
consequences as long commuting may decrease the productivity of work and leave less time for
relaxation. Cities also have to address commuting when planning technical solutions, developing
services and calculating finance schemes. The first objective of this project is to identify the changing
needs of mobile workers. The second objective is to increase the sustainability of mobility by supporting
the implementation of sustainable and intelligent transportation services. The consortium will collect
data by observations, surveys, interviews and workshops in Austria, Finland and Switzerland to evaluate
how these new services meet the evolving needs of mobile workers. In addition, we will use simulations
to provide decision support for stakeholders address urban planning and governance structures
challenges. Implementations in large commuting areas are pivotal aspects of this project.
Implementations in different areas help to scale up our partners’ operations, get experiences about the
needs of users and also discover some common ground for governance and city planning policies.
Key Data
Dr. Raphael Hoerler, Dr. Merja Hoppe
Project team
Fabian Härri, Tobias Andreas Michl
Project partners
Liikennevirta Oy; Suomen kasvukäytävä verkosto (Growth Corridor Finland); Tuup Oy; ISTmobil GmbH; Kanton Basel-Stadt / Amt für Mobilität; tbw research; AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH; Aalto University
Project status
completed, 04/2016 - 09/2018
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Energie BFE
Project budget
326'200 CHF
Commuter segmentation and openness to sharing services : a Swiss case study
2019 Hoerler, Raphael; Hoppe, Merja
New solutions in sustainable commuting : the attitudes and experience of European stakeholders and experts in Switzerland
2019 Hoerler, Raphael; Haerri, Fabian; Hoppe, Merja
Smart commuting? : a case study in Switzerland
2019 Hoerler, Raphael; Haerri, Fabian; Hoppe, Merja
Smart Commuting oder wie wir morgen pendeln.
2019 Hoerler, Raphael
ENSCC smart and mobile work in growth regions : smart commuting
2018 Hoppe, Merja; Hoerler, Raphael; Härri, Fabian
Nachhaltiges und zeitgemässes Pendeln : Möglichkeiten für einen Wandel in der Mobilität
2018 Hoppe, Merja; Hoerler, Raphael; Haerri, Fabian
Digitale Mobilitätsplattformen als Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen Pendlerstrategie im Raum Basel
2018 Hoerler, Raphael; Hoppe, Merja; Härri, Fabian