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Digital Outdoor and Safety System (DOSSy) (DOSSy)


DOSSy is a research project, partly funded by the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme Call 4 (AAL JP), initiated by the EU to research the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) under the Guideline "ICT for aging well".

Key Data


Manuel Manuel

Project team

Philippa Downing, Andri Färber, Ralph Hoffert, Rita Lunghamer, Beda Meienberger, Martin Oldenhoff, Meyer Pit, Krummenacher Thomas, Craig Wareham

Project partners

Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC; Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Herten; Bergverlag Rother GmbH; Augmentra Ltd.; Curena AG; Fachhochschule St. Gallen FHSG; Universität St. Gallen

Project status

completed, 09/2012 - 08/2014

Funding partner

AAL Programme

Project budget

1'582'927 EUR