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Opening up the market as a way to a sustainable Swiss agriculture and food industry - opportunities, challenges and solutions


Swiss food industry and agriculture have developed under the conditions of enhanced protection against competition and direct support for agricultural production. Over the past 20 years, agricultural policy instruments have been restructured, but this should not obscure the fact that agriculture is still clearly protected and supported and that the entire value chain has established itself in its wake within these framework conditions.How can Swiss agriculture and the food industry be accompanied on its way into the future? What are the challenges posed by increasing market opening? What opportunities are there and what solutions? The objective of the mandate is to contribute to answering these questions. Explorative confidential discussions with experts and those affected by market opening are of central importance in the study.

Key Data


Dr. Priska Baur

Project status

completed, 04/2014 - 03/2015

Funding partner
