Development of LOA V
a new prospective payment system for pharmacy services in Switzerland
The association of Swiss pharmacies pharmaSuisse and the Swiss health insurance associations curafutura and santésuisse wish to replace the current prospective payment system for pharmacy services in Switzerland LOA IV with an improved version LOA V. The goal is to achieve a better fit between the reimbursement of pharmacy services and the average cost of delivering these services.pharmaSuisse and curafutura have commissioned the development of this new payment system to the Winterthur Institute for Health Economics at ZHAW. The project includes a detailed assessment of the type of services provided in pharmacies and the respective work load for these services based on a sample of over 10’000 prescriptions in 30 selected pharmacies.
Key Data
Deputy Projectlead
Project team
Renato Farcher, Dr. Tobias Müller, Dr. Janina Nemitz
Project partners
MicroMed AG
Project status
completed, 11/2017 - 12/2021
Funding partner
curafutura; Schweizerischer Apothekerverband PharmaSuisse