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PsyYoung: Transcantonal early detection and intervention in adolescents and young adults at risk of psychosis


The aim of the project is to promote indicated prevention of schizophrenic disorders during the prodromal phase (phase before the onset of the illness). This is done by optimising early detection in young people while minimising unnecessary psychiatric treatment. Through improved networking and coordination across the entire care chain, the aim is to achieve a sustainable improvement in the course of the disease, the quality of life and the functional level of those affected.Six specialised centres for early diagnosis and intervention are involved in the project; one in Basel, two in Lausanne and three in Geneva. The project is being evaluated by the ZHAW. Interviews will be conducted with professionals, patients and their relatives.

Key Data


Project team

Project partners

Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel / Zentrum für Psychotische Erkrankungen

Project status

ongoing, started 03/2020

Funding partner

Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz GFCH

Project budget

266'557 CHF