Creative Agility – How art-based strategies transform digital and analog communication in organizations
As part of the EU-funded Erasmus+ projectthe ZHAW, together with adult education partners from Liechtenstein, Germany and Austria, is exploring how art-based strategies transform digital and analog communication in organizations. The aim of the project is to develop a curricular training concept on "Creative Agility" in the form of a modular art-based, knowledge-oriented and methodological-didactic kit. In addition, pilot courses (market tests) in Europe and experiments with digital and analog learning formats will be realized.
"Creative Agility",
The , represented by the FAB OKOE Organizational Communication and Public Sphere of the IAM Institute for Applied Media Studies at the Department of Applied Linguistics, is particularly responsible for the linguistic-communicative evaluation of a case study for the development of a guideline for the implementation of artistic interventions in organizational contexts. The case study takes place in a municipal structure in Germany. Participants are decision-makers from council/politics and administration as well as artistic intervening actors from the Ottersberg College of Arts in Social Action. The chosen artistic intervention is "Narrative Inquiry", a theater-based method that uses scenic sketches to create different communication situations. The ZHAW is also responsible for the linguistic co-development of teaching texts for the Knowledge Building Kit Communication, Language and Storytelling. It also provides consulting services for the evaluation of pilot courses in Europe and is responsible for the translation of the guidelines, curriculum and training materials into the Swiss national languages French and Italian in the context of translation projects with lecturers and students in the Master's degree program in professional translation.
Theconsisting of kubus Kulturvermittlung Balzers, Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen Ottersberg, SPES Zukunftsakademie Schlierbach and ZHAW considers the development of the key competence "Creative Agility" as a desirable goal. The collaboration will create a forward-looking educational offering that will make a valuable contribution to the transformation of digital and analog communication in organizations. The ZHAW project contribution is funded within the "Swiss Program on Erasmus+: Adult Education" by the Swiss national agency Movetia.
EU consortium
The promotes education, training, youth and sport in Europe. All areas contribute significantly to addressing the major challenges facing Europe today and in the coming decades. In addition, Erasmus+ measures support the "Europe 2020" strategy for growth, job creation, social justice and social inclusion.
EU's Erasmus+ program
Key Data
Birgitta Borghoff, Dagmar Frick-Islitzer
Project team
Birgit Appelt, Xenia Helmboldt, Peer Holthuizen, Peter Jungmeier, Cédric Luisier, Dr. Hellmut Riediger, Prof. Dr. Ralf Rummel-Suhrcke, Michael Uhl
Project partners
kubus Kulturvermittlung; Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen HKS Ottersberg; SPES Zukunftsakademie
Project status
completed, 06/2021 - 12/2023
Funding partner
Movetia / Schweizer Programm zu Erasmus+: Erwachsenenbildung (Strategische Partnerschaft); Erasmus+; AIBA - Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten
Project budget
322'000 EUR
Further documents and links
Transformation by Creagilization – designing the future of now with “Creative Agility”
2024 Borghoff, Birgitta; Boogen, Nina
Future Skill «Kreative Agilität» : kreagil navigieren in und durch überfordernde Zeiten
2023 Borghoff, Birgitta; Frick-Islitzer, Dagmar; Moog, Petra; Luisier, Cédric; Riediger, Hellmut; Uhl, Michael; Jungmeier, Peter
Future Skill «Kreative Agilität» : kreagil navigieren in und durch überfordernde Zeiten
2023 Borghoff, Birgitta; Frick-Islitzer, Dagmar
Mit Kreativer Agilität organisationale Transformationsprozesse gestalten : Impulstext : Kommunikation, Sprache, Storytelling
2023 Borghoff, Birgitta; Appelt, Birgit
Concevoir de nouveaux processus de transformation organisationnelle avec l’agilité créative : créatexte : communication, langue, storytelling
2023 Borghoff, Birgitta; Appelt, Birgit
Shaping organizational transformation processes with creative agility : impulse texte : communication, language, storytelling
2023 Borghoff, Birgitta; Appelt, Birgit
Plasmare i processi di trasformazione organizzativa grazie all’agilità creativa : testo di riflessione : comunicazione, linguaggio, storytelling
2023 Borghoff, Birgitta; Appelt, Birgit
"What is Creative Agility?"
2022 Borghoff, Birgitta; Frick-Islitzer, Dagmar
Kreative Agilität entdecken und erleben
2022 Borghoff, Birgitta
”Kreative Agilität”: Kunstbasierte Strategien als narrative Praxis in der organisationalen Transformation : Beiträge der Angewandten Diskurslinguistik im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommunalpolitik
2022 Borghoff, Birgitta
Die «Narrative Recherche» im kommunalen Kontext : eine diskursanalytische Case Study
2021 Borghoff, Birgitta
Mit Kreativer Agilität organisationale Transformationsprozesse gestalten
2021 Borghoff, Birgitta