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GeoCloud – Simulation Software for Cloud-based Digital Microstructure Design of New Fuel Cell Materials


This project is about a combination of numerical simulation, using the software platform GeoDict, cloud computing, using the cloud platform Kaleidosim and latest means of Artificial Neural Network Technology.An advanced online material database "GeoCloud" will be created where users can a) compute physical properties of porous media, b) upload and develop their own materials, c) solve the inverse problem from given/desired properties towards material parameters necessary to attain them.

Key Data

Project team

Vincent Buff, Marco Hostettler, Dr. Vanessa Christina Klaas, Dr. Philip Marmet, Vinzenz Muser, Alain Schubiger, Bercan Siyahhan

Project partners

Math2Market GmbH

Project status

completed, 10/2021 - 10/2024

Funding partner


Project budget

560'000 CHF
