Biomonitoring of green roofs in the City of Hamburg

The city of Hamburg practices a systematic promotion of green roofs, in the context of which a scientific eco-faunal success control is to be carried out over several years.As part of the cooperation, biomonitoring is to be carried out on 6 green roofs using a comparable method (as currently practised in Switzerland as part of a BAFU project). The installation work for the investigations as well as periodic checks and emptying will be carried out by employees of the Hamburg authorities or students of the partner university HafenCity University Hamburg according to the specifications of the ZHAW. Ten cup traps (barber traps) will be installed at each study site. The ZHAW will determine the beetles sorted out from the collection samples at species level, which will be sent by post, and will assist in the evaluation of the species lists per site. Information on the ecological valence of the species and their habitat requirements is compiled.
Key Data
Deputy Projectlead
Project team
Dr. Hanna Bornholdt, Silvan Oberhänsli, Dr. Alexander Szallies, Jascha van Gogh
Project partners
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg / Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft
Project status
completed, 01/2022 - 11/2023
Funding partner
Project budget
10'000 EUR