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Physical activity screening in people with NCDs


This project is embedded in the work collaboration between the ZHAW and Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS). The purpose of the SLHS is to close the gap between evidence from research and clinical practice in the Swiss health system and to foster the dialogue between stakeholders. This project focuses on the routine screening of physical activity for people with NCDs in Switzerland. The aim of the project is evaluating the current state of physical activity screening, identifying barriers and facilitators for physical activity screening, and evaluating possible solutions implement routine physical activity screening.

Key Data


Prof. Dr. Carla Sabariego

Project team

Olivier Gaugler, Céline Mötteli-Graf

Project partners

Universität Luzern

Project status

completed, 06/2021 - 12/2024

Funding partner

Projektgebundene Beiträge / Swiss Learning Health System