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Field study: Digital discourse analyses in Switzerland


The field study identifies the current state of digitized discourse analysis among public and private actors. As a result, a Swiss map of digital discourse analysis is created. Results of discourse research have shown: Those who want to be successful in society and make a difference must be able to orient themselves in discourses and reflect on their conditions. The fundamental social need for orientation and optimization of one's own discourse positions can only be met in a meaningful way if science and society jointly get to the bottom of relevant discourses. This is especially true in the course of the digital transformation. It is becoming increasingly important to understand and critically classify how one's own viewpoints, opinions and topics are formed in digital discourses. Data sets on public communication are increasing rapidly, and the technical and methodological possibilities for analysis are in a state of dynamic development. Actors from science and practice are involved as inquirers as well as innovators or users. They rely on specific assumptions about the relationship between social practices, linguistically constituted discourses and digital transformation. The humanities and social sciences have the purpose of observing and describing this field and reflecting on it together with other actors. The project therefore closes the field of action of digital discourse analyses for the humanities and social sciences in order to intensify collaborations between individual academic and professional disciplines and to prepare future inter- and transdisciplinary projects and consortia.

Key Data

Project status

ongoing, started 01/2022

Funding partner

Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften SAGW

Project budget

48'000 CHF