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Massive Decarbonisation of the Swiss Building Stock (RENOWAVE)


Buildings are a major source of Swiss CO2 emission, and the existing stock will represent the overwhelming part of the sectorial energy demand for yet several decades to come. Challenges to massive and efficient retrofit are numerous, multifaceted, interrelated and transdisciplinary, from scientific as well as operational points of view.

The RENOWAVE project addresses building retrofit in a process of co-construction between researchers from various fields and implementation partners representing the various stakeholders which are involved in the complex process chain of renovation.

Pilot and demonstration projects will allow to test, challenge and validate innovative solutions, for promotion to a broad audience. Such systemic innovation will play a major role in boosting the retrofit, both in terms of quantity (renovation rate) and quality (performance), so as to meet the goals of Switzerland's Long-Term Climate Strategy.

Key Data


Prof. Dr. Matthias Haase, Dr. Daniel Philippen (Ostschweizer Fachhochschule OST)

Project partners

Allianz 2SOL; Baugenossenschaft Zurlinden; energie bewegt winterthur; Netto Null Kollektiv; Nova Energie Ostschweiz AG; Siedlung Büel; Schweizer Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft SGNI; Urban Sympheny AG; Stadt Winterthur; Implenia Schweiz AG; Intep Integrale Planung GmbH; Ostschweizer Fachhochschule OST / OZG Zentrum für Gemeinden; Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Genève HEPIA / Institut inPACT; Haute école de travail social Genève HETS / Centre de recherches sociales; Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO Fribourg-Freiburg / TRANSFORM - Institut patrimoine, construction et usagers; Hochschule Luzern / Institut für Gebäudetechnik und Energie; Université de Genève / Systèmes énergétiques; Haute école de gestion Fribourg HEG / Zentrum für Unternehmensverantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit CCRS

Project status

ongoing, started 02/2022

Funding partner

Flagship Initiative

Project budget

853'856 CHF