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Robot-based experimental in vitro studies to evaluate two surgical techniques for a meniscal lesion with respect to knee kinematics


In this project, the following hypotheses will be investigated with experimental robot-based in vitro tests on human leg specimens1) Ramp lesion of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus leads to increased anterior translation and rotational instability in a knee with an ACL rupture.2) In a knee with an ACL rupture, the combination of an MCL and MTL suture of the medial meniscus improves both knee kinematics and meniscal stability compared to suturing the MCL alone.

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Deputy Projectlead

Dr. Deloley Jean-Romain

Project team

Project partners

Kantonsspital Winterthur KSW

Project status

completed, 01/2022 - 05/2023

Funding partner

Kantonsspital Winterthur KSW

Project budget

28'000 CHF