Building a global bridge in health professions
Given the rapid change in the health care capacity and demand land-scape globally, looking at international collaboration for health professional education is key to success to meet future challenges nurses and midwives will be confronted with. The School of Health Sciences ZHAW has engaged in Advanced Practice Nursing for over 10 years and the Midwifery profession is following suit. To strengthen this further, the ZHAW Faculty of Health's strategic aims are the promotion of internationalisation, e.g. with double degree programs. New Zealand is one of few non-European OECD countries with a population of less than 10 million that is comparable to Switzerland. Furthermore, advanced midwifery practice has a long tradition in New Zealand with well established midwife-led maternity services, and Nurse Practitioners have been licensed under their own autonomous scope of practice since 2001.
- Expansion of international teaching/learning cooperation, incl. development of innovative e-learning-based offerings and establishment of internet-based exchange for that foster culturalsafety/diversity competences across the nursing/midwifery professions
- Preliminary work to develop a joint and/or double degree pro-gram between the partners
- Intercultural competence development for students and faculty of both Partners
- Establishment of transnational digital-based teaching/learning innovationsTarget groups and long-term goal:The long-term goal is to establish a transnational cooperation that is characterized by excellence in teaching/learning and research. The current project emphasizes the development of intercultural compe-tencies of students and faculty. The project aims to offer students and faculty from Switzerland and New Zealand the opportunity to learn from, with, and about each other across countries and to increase the attractiveness of educational opportunities for students on their path to advanced health professionals capable of responding to global health challenges.
The project will also create an intercultural aware-ness of cross-national differences, as well as the effects on learning, teaching, and research, necessary for the development of future collaborative opportunities (e.g. double degree). To successfully establish a double degree program, preliminary work is needed, on the one hand, to try out joint teaching that is scalable in the future, and, on the other hand, to explore and develop processes and policies to mutually recognize prior learning and qualification contributions.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Daniela Händler-Schuster, Prof. Karen McBride-Henry (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington), Dr. Tara N. Officer (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington)
Project team
Jonathan Dominguez Hernandez, Dr. Deborah Harris (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington), Dr. Astrid Krahl, Prof. Robyn Maude (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington), Christina Schuler, Dr. Petra Stolz Baskett, Prof. Dr. Veronika Waldboth, Dr. Jill Wilkinson (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington), Dr. Kim van Wissen (Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington)
Project partners
Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington / School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Practice
Project status
completed, 09/2022 - 10/2024
Funding partner
Internationale Forschungskooperationen : neue Perspektiven für Pflegestudierende: ein Erfahrungsbericht
2024 Thet Naing Oo, Salai; Händler-Schuster, Daniela
Outcome domains of professional doctorates in nursing : an international three-phase exploratory study
2024 McBride-Henry, Karen; Butcher, Dan; Jukema, Jan S.; Händler-Schuster, Daniela
International internship and collaboration between Switzerland and New Zealand in nursing and midwifery programs
2024 Händler-Schuster, Daniela; Officer, Tara N.; van Wissen, K.; Massov, L,; Leutenegger, Vanessa; Stolz Baskett, Petra; McBride-Henry, Karen
Medikamentenverschreibung durch nichtärztliche Gesundheitsfachpersonen im Vergleich
2024 Herren, Regina; Händler-Schuster, Daniela; McBride-Henry, Karen; Stolz Baskett, Petra; Officer, Tara N.
Empowering self-management among male gout patients
2024 Herren, Regina; Harris, Deborah; Händler-Schuster, Daniela
Pflegegeleitete Kliniken zur Förderung der interprofessionellen Zusammenarbeit?
2023 Streich, Patricia; Hraibi-Malash, Shahira I.; McBride Henry, Karen; Officer, Tara N.; Händler-Schuster, Daniela
Internationalisierung von Master’s Curricula : Bildungsoffensive zur Entwicklung kultur-kompetenter Advanced Practitioners
2023 Stolz Baskett, Petra; Händler-Schuster, Daniela; Fierz, Katharina
Advanced Nursing Practice Palliative Care : Rollenentwicklung im internationalen Kontext
2023 Stolz Baskett, Petra; Händler-Schuster, Daniela
Connecting – fellows take action : an international rural collaboration
2023 Ross, Jean; Emond, Kate; Händler-Schuster, Daniela; English, Kim
Erfahrungen hörbeeinträchtigter Menschen während der COVID-19-Pandemie : eine Perspektive aus Aotearoa / Neuseeland
2023 Roguski, Michael; Officer, Tara N.; Nazari Orakani, Solmaz; Good, Gretchen; Händler-Schuster, Daniela; McBride-Henry, Karen
Disabled peoples’ experiences accessing healthcare during COVID
2023 Roguski, Michael; Officer, Tara N.; Nazari Orakani, Solmaz; Good, Gretchen; Händler-Schuster, Daniela; McBride-Henry, Karen
Resources and resilience factors: how advanced practice nurses can promote resilience in hearing and visually impaired people : a grounded theory perspective from Switzerland
2023 Händler-Schuster, Daniela; McBride-Henry, Karen; Müller, Gerhard; Melloh, Markus
Ein Blick nach Aotearoa (Neuseeland) : was wir aus der COVID-19- Pandemie im Umgang mit der Hörbeeinträchtigung lernen können
2023 Händler-Schuster, Daniela
Needs to promote self-management in male gout patients
2023 Herren, Regina; Harris, Deborah; Händler-Schuster, Daniela
Addressing self-neglect & health systems neglect
2023 Edmond, K.; English, K.; Händler-Schuster, D.; Ross, J.
Ableism, human rights, and the COVID-19 pandemic : healthcare-related barriers experienced by deaf people in Aotearoa New Zealand
2022 Roguski, Michael; Officer, Tara N.; Nazari Orakani, Solmaz; Good, Gretchen; Händler-Schuster, Daniela; McBride-Henry, Karen
Growing intercountry research collaborations
2022 Händler-Schuster, Daniela