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IMAgiNE EURO (Improving MAternal Newborn carE In the EURO Region)


IMAgiNE EURO (Improving MAternal Newborn carE In the EURO Region), coordinated by the WHO Collaborating center of the Child Referral Hospital and Research Institute (IRCCS) Burlo Garofolo Trieste is a project based on a network of currently 20 countries. It includes two online surveys (one for mothers, the other for health workers) to explore maternal and newborn health service preparedness, quality and resilience, among countries of the WHO European Region, at different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study should help to understand the views and experiences of women giving birth, as well as health workers involved in maternal and newborn care.

Key Data

Project partners

World Health Organisation WHO / Centre for Maternal and Child Health (WHO CC); Haute école de santé Vaud HESAV

Project status

completed, 11/2022 - 12/2024

Funding partner

